5 Facts That Show Planned Parenthood is an Abortion Corporation
Underneath the guise of women’s health, Planned Parenthood has a unified mission: Abortion on demand, without apology–at the expense of the taxpayer. Here are five things...
Judge: Pro-lifers Can Sue Chicago Over Law that Keeps Them From Abortion Clinics
Chicago area pro-life advocates achieved a victory last week when a judge denied the City of Chicago’s motion to dismiss a federal complaint challenging Chicago’s abortion-protective “bubble zone.”
Four Things That Would (Actually) Happen if We Defund Planned Parenthood
By   |   01.12.17
Planned Parenthood – America’s largest abortion provider – is in an outright panic over the prospect of being stripped of federal funds. Annually, the abortion giant gets more $500,000,000 from taxpayers. This is why they are predicting the end of the world if lawmakers in DC cut them off the federal dole.
High Hopes Federalism & Freedom will Trump in 2017
By Monte Larrick   |   01.11.17
One of Illinois' top legal minds says he expects the Donald Trump administration to a friend to religious freedom in America.
Illinois Abortions Increased 3.5%
By Chris Iverson   |   01.05.17
The Illinois Department of Public Health recently released updated statistics on abortions for 2015.  The number of pre-born human babies aborted in Illinois increased by 1,384 in 2015 to a total of 39,856.  The Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 (720...
Taking the Pro-Life Message on the Road
By Monte Larrick   |   01.03.17
If you drive in the Chicago area chances are you'll be seeing signs on overpasses or on billboards that say, "Abortion Takes Human Life."
5 Things Pro-Lifers Have to Celebrate as 2016 Comes to a Close
2016 has been rough on everyone, and the pro-life movement is no exception. With the loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in February, followed by a major pro-abortion victory in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt...
State Lawmaker “Worried” Illinois Might Protect Babies From Abortion
By Chris Iverson   |   12.22.16
In 1975, Illinois adopted language declaring the state’s intent to “protect the right to life of the unborn child” by prohibiting abortion. Now, an Illinois politician plans to introduce legislation to reverse that pro-life language.  It’s not clear that this...
Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford Wins Injunction
By John Biver   |   12.21.16
It seems that our nation's founding fathers were not clear enough with their use of language in the First Amendment, which protects some of our God-given rights. That "make no law" thing is confusing for many, and that "abridging" business, well, that's way over the heads of Illinois Leftist lawmakers.
Tenderness Leads To The Gas Chamber
“In the absence of faith, we govern by tenderness. And tenderness leads to the gas chamber,” said Flannery O’Connor. Her point was that sentimentality cannot restrain the darker forces in human nature. Which brings us to the Catholic bishops of eastern Canada.
Ohio Protects Unborn At 20 Weeks, But Heartbeat Bill Vetoed
By Chris Iverson   |   12.13.16
Earlier today, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio signed into law protection for the unborn at 20 weeks.  This law has an exception for abortions that are necessary to save the mother’s life or prevent serious risk of substantial bodily impairment. ...
Ohio To Protect All Humans With Beating Hearts (Born & Unborn)
By Chris Iverson   |   12.13.16
The Ohio legislature has sent a bill to Governor John Kasich that will legally protect unborn babies from abortion once a heartbeat can be detected. The law makes it a fifth-degree felony to abort an unborn human without checking for a heartbeat or aborting after the baby's heartbeat can be detected. It also opens the door to civil lawsuits and disciplinary action.
Articulating The Pro-life Case
By Chris Iverson   |   12.06.16
A few years back, I went door to door handing out pro-life DVD’s and engaging in discussions about abortion.  It was quite the experience!  I noticed many people didn’t understand the term “pro-life.”  Eventually, I learned I had to use...
IL Legislators Want to Spend Taxes on Abortions
By Monte Larrick   |   11.27.16
Planned Parenthood wants to take money from your paycheck to fund abortions in Illinois. Lawmakers could act soon to repeal the current state ban on using tax dollars for abortions.
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