Omo Child: Rescuing Innocent Children
By David E. Smith   |   01.07.20
As you may know, January is Sanctity of Life month–a time when pro-life advocates host special events, rallies, marches, and projects to protest the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the destruction of pre-born human beings. While IFI believes...
IFI Files Pro-Life Brief With SCOTUS
By David E. Smith   |   01.04.20
We are pleased to report that Illinois Family Institute, along with three other Christian organizations, filed an amicus brief this week to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in the case of June Medical Service, LLC v. Gee. The brief supports a Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have hospital admitting privileges within 30 miles of the clinic.
Ethically Challenged Bioethicist Whines About Kentucky Abortion Law
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.17.19
Bioethicist Ruth Faden penned an irony-filled screed in which she whines about the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a challenge to Kentucky’s Ultrasound Informed Consent Act (H.B. 2), which requires that prior to the killing of humans in the womb, a doctor or technician must perform an ultrasound and explain to mothers gestators what the ultrasound shows....
Self-Giving in the Nativity
By   |   12.14.19
Many articles this time of year wrangle over the specific details surrounding Christ’s birth—Did it really take place in a stable? Was it really in winter? When did the Magi show up? But the core of the story is unmistakable, because it’s taken straight from the pages of the Gospels. And we see it depicted in every nativity scene.
Answering A Common Pro-Choice Argument
By Micah Clark   |   11.14.19
One the leading pro-life experts in America today is a longtime friend and hero of mine, and a former pastor in Fort Wayne. Michael Spencer is with the Life Training Institute.  If you ever get a chance to attend one of his workshops, they are worth every minute.  In a recent newsletter, Michael gives an excellent explanation of a pro-abortion response that you have probably encountered.
Abortion Defense: A Satanic “Act of Worship”
By Terrell Clemmons   |   11.09.19
Last month, I shared a few stories from 40 Days for Life, a worldwide pro-life ministry of presence and prayer outside abortion centers. Created Equal, a pro-life ministry based in Ohio, focuses mainly on reaching people in urban areas and...
Taking Pride in Down Syndrome Children
My family just visited Chocolate World at Hershey Park in Hershey, Pennsylvania—the so-called “sweetest place on earth.” For those unfamiliar, it’s a giant candy-land. The primary attraction is a tour where visitors ride in self-guided vehicles through an exhibit learning about the history of Hershey’s chocolate.
The Ghastly Practices of Planned Parenthood
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   10.23.19
Truth is not only stranger than fiction. Truth is also more disturbing than fiction. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the abortion industry, where baby parts are meticulously collected and systemically labeled for immediate, profitable sale. Not only so, but all this takes place without the knowledge of the mother, who recovers in a waiting room nearby. And, if the reports are accurate, some of the slicing and dicing is done while the baby is still alive.
Windows and Fences and Walls, <i>Oh My!</i> Let Us Be Clear about Which Side of the Abortion Divide Is on the Retreat
By Terrell Clemmons   |   10.22.19
Rae Ellen had been a faithful volunteer with Santa Cruz, California, 40 Days for Life for sixteen campaigns. Confined to a wheelchair, if she couldn’t get a ride, she would take a handicap taxi to the abortion clinic to pray and keep vigil.
A Special Kind<BR>of Sickness
By Micah Clark   |   10.18.19
The corrupting nature of abortion is something almost no one in the media, and no one in the political arena supportive of the procedure, dare discuss.   If there is anything positive at all about the bizarre story of Ulrich Klopfer...
When Abortion Politics Overrode Women’s Health
By Terrell Clemmons   |   10.02.19
In 1996, Dr. Joel Brind along with colleagues at Penn State Medical College published a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed literature on the connection between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer. Based on 23 studies, it found a 30 percent higher rate of breast cancer for women with abortion histories. Six years later, in February 2003, the National Cancer Institute officially declared the abortion breast cancer link nonexistent. Clear-thinking people know risk factors are complex and that study results are subject to interpretation, but which is it? Some say the abortion-breast cancer link is real; some say it’s not. Who should we believe? Hold that thought.
Imagine A Revision of Greta Thunberg’s Screed
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.30.19
Buzzfeed has an article about social media attacks on the tweens and teens whom Leftist adults are exploiting as shields by allowing these children to lead the climate change charge. Since every adult knows what a poisonous and malevolent force...
Killing the Unborn, Confessing to Plants
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   09.24.19
I’m all for environmental stewardship, and there’s something to be said for a biblically-based ecology. But I find it beyond ironic that a staunchly liberal seminary which supports a woman’s “right” to abortion held a special chapel service to confess to plants. So, it’s fine to take the lives of unborn babies in the womb, but we must confess our sins to the plants. May God help us.
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