10 Questions For Rule-of-Law Critics Of Kim Davis
There’s much talk of late about Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. She actually stopped issuing all marriage licenses, to avoid the charge of discrimination. She’s now out of jail, although it’s possible she’ll be sent back.
Judicial Tyranny in Kentucky
When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by the narrowest possible margin that Kentucky’s definition of marriage is unconstitutional, the Court’s decision was qualified by its assurance that religious freedom would not be jeopardized. “The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection,” the Court solemnly intoned on June 26.
Shepard Smith Calls Christians “Haters”
By   |   09.11.15
“Haters are going to hate” is how Shepard Smith of Fox News referred to supporters of Christian clerk Kim Davis on his Tuesday afternoon show. It was another example of the anti-Christian bias that has been rearing its ugly head...
Hundreds Gather in Springfield for Prayer March
By Monte Larrick   |   09.07.15
On August 29, 2015, faith leaders united in prayer for racial reconciliation, life, and Biblical marriage at the Abraham Lincoln Prayer Walk in Springfield.
In Which I Paint With Some Bright Yellows
By   |   09.04.15
A consensus appears to be developing among otherwise reasonable people that Kim Davis, of Rowan County fame, either needs to start issuing marriage licenses or quit her job. For those just joining us, a county clerk in Kentucky is refusing...
Why the Supreme Court is not Supreme
By   |   08.31.15
To vocal opponents of judicial activism, this comes as little surprise. The U.S. Supreme Court has suffered a major credibility blow in the wake of its politically motivated 5-4 Obergefell v. Hodges “gay marriage” opinion. In it, they presumed to do the impossible – both redefine the age-old institution of natural marriage and to give this fictional definition precedence over freedoms actually enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
‘War Room’ Is Better Than ‘Courageous’ and ‘Fireproof’
Every time I begin watching a new movie by filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, a thought crosses my mind. Will this be the one that bombs?
Tarry Not For the Sunshine
By   |   08.28.15
The housing market wasn’t the only bubble which burst in 2008. It was the first time many Christian conservatives realized just how much had changed and how far afield we had corporately strayed. Not only were our most stable assets,...
Today I Am A Chicago Bears Football Fan, Too
By Micah Clark   |   08.27.15
I have an orange and blue tie that I like to wear, but being an Indianapolis Colts fan, it never entered my mind that it matched the colors of the Chicago Bears until some Bears fans at my church ruined...
Denver Stalls Chick-fil-A Lease Due to Its Stand on Same-Sex Marriage
Several members of the Denver City Council have stalled a lease for a Chick-fil-A restaurant at the city's international airport due to the fast-food chain's opposition to same-sex marriage.
When ‘Discernment’ Leads to Disaster
By   |   08.19.15
The historic First Baptist Church of Greenville, South Carolina, announced in May that it would declare itself be “open and welcoming” to all people and that it would allow same-sex marriage and ordain openly homosexual ministers. The move came after...
Push to Block ‘Cosmo’ Cover Gaining Traction
The campaign to put Cosmopolitan magazine behind blinders in stores is gaining momentum.
Vulnerable GOP Senator Opposes Defunding Planned Parenthood
By Peter Sullivan Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) on Wednesday indicated he’ll oppose a bill backed by Republican leadership to defund Planned Parenthood. Kirk is up for reelection next year and is a top Democratic target. “In other states tissue donation...
Same Sex Marriage & SCOTUS Letter
This is a letter written by a local pastor regarding Same Sex Marriage & SCOTUS.
Since there are some who think “silence gives consent” I would like to voice my opposition to the ruling of SCOTUS on the issue of...
The Meaning of Life
By   |   07.27.15
I suppose it’s a bit more of an anecdote than a commentary. Twenty-two years ago and it seems like last week. Isn’t that something old farts say? The aftermath from the previous night’s whirlwind revelry had become all too familiar....
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