Pithy Prayers
The most common nickname for Chicago is The Windy City. I used to think it referred to the weather. But Chicago is not even in the top one hundred cities for wind velocity. The nickname actually derives from gasbag politicians. Chicago has a long history of hosting political conventions—infamous for interminable speeches.
Onward Christian Voters
By Monte Larrick   |   09.09.16
You may not like some of the candidates on the ballot, but it’s very important for Christians to do their civic duty and vote. Registering and voting has never been easier. The Illinois Family Institute can help speed you through...
A Stronger Remnant?  Faith is Far from Dead in America
By Micah Clark   |   09.03.16
Last week there was another proclamation of the death of Christianity in America with a new Pew Research Center study on religious practices in America.   The talking points from the study noted the rise of atheism as many commentators said...
The Uses of Disgust 

In his extraordinary book Leftism, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, by way of showing that indeed all cultures are not equal and that colonialism was far...
America’s Abandonment of Traditional Values Has Hurt the Black Community
One of the unavoidable consequences of youth is the tendency to think behavior we see today has always been. I’d like to dispute that vision, at least as it pertains to black people.
Whoa and Giddyup
By   |   08.16.16
Self-control is not a virtue that can be tucked away in one small portion of our lives. We have seen that it applies everywhere, and that when a people are self-governed, they are in a position to enjoy free government....
Prayer Precedes Revival: A Call to Prayer
Our country has never been so parched for prayer, yet we never have found praying harder. Prayer is too hard for us, so our country withers.
Religious Liberty and the Right to be Christian
By   |   07.29.16
Moral revolutions require legal revolutions. This is certainly the case with the sexual revolution and its various causes of sexual liberation. A revolution is only complete when the legal structure aligns itself with a new moral understanding. This alignment is...
Forgiveness: The Most Powerful Apologetic
We apologists love to offer evidence for the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, and the resurrection of Jesus. These are powerful truths that have convinced many to personally trust Christ.
Black and Blue America
By Israel Wayne   |   07.19.16
It seems that America is now locked in an endless loop of tension and violence. Many disaffected Americans are railing out at a government they see as being abusive and vindictive. Movements like “Black Lives Matter” have pitted some African-American...
Christians in the Public Square
By Oliver Perry   |   07.13.16
When interviewed on The View regarding the recent Orlando shootings, ABC correspondent Sara Haines repeated a sentiment common to liberal political pundits. “Right now politicians, especially those that make law in the name of their faith need to step back...
Loony Leftist Leader of Dallas Protest
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.11.16
What the tragic events of last week did not need was the distraction posed by one of the organizers of the Dallas protest, Dr. Jeff Hood, the 32-year-old bearded, bespectacled white man who is effective at one thing: self-promotion. While Selma had Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an eloquent, dignified, and committed follower of Christ, Dallas had Dr. Hood, a narcissist committed to self-aggrandizement, sexual deviance, and syncretism.
Pinch of Incense
By Oliver Perry   |   07.07.16
Obamacare is a complex regulation mandating universal insurance coverage. It also contains deliberate offense against Christians, requiring that everyone purchase insurance having “contraceptive coverage.” All employer health plans must provide this coverage. In practice this means plans that provide abortifacient...
Harvard Law Professor to Conservatives: You’re Losers, Live With It.
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.27.16
Conservative friends, if it weren’t clear to you already that the halcyon days for theologically orthodox people of faith in America are over, read the ominous, hostile, and arrogant words of Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell professor of law at...
Franklin Graham’s Exhortation for Illinois
By Monte Larrick   |   06.22.16
The Reverend Franklin Graham is giving Christians some marching orders during his Decision America 2016 Tour. With the election just months away, he’s telling Christians to pray for our troubled nation and vote for candidates who adhere to Biblical values....
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