IL Lawmakers Gather for Prayer as Key Bills Go to a Vote
By Monte Larrick   |   04.25.17
Lawmakers and faith leaders are touting the power of prayer in keeping Illinois safe from a legislative agenda that could be a major roadblock to the state's turnaround.
Prayer Requests for April 19th
By David E. Smith   |   04.19.17
Dear Praying Friends, I have a few prayer requests to share with you.  Would you take time today and maybe over the next several days to lift these things up in faith to our Heavenly Father?
  • Today, the U.S. Supreme
The Prayer Life of Jesus
In an article dated December 10, 2013 Time magazine did a piece on The 100 Most Significant Figures in History. We as believers are not surprised that the number one historical figure was none other than our Savior Jesus Christ! He is the most Significant One of all time! Without Him we would have no hope in this world or from this world. He is our everything! I say this without apology, He is our All in All! Everything about Him is perfect, from His birth, to His life, and even to His death and Resurrection. But there is something that was very special that I want to bring out about His life.
Christian Parents, Your Kids Aren’t Equipped to be Public School Missionaries
By   |   04.04.17
A concerned parent sent me this. It’s the school newspaper for Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School in Falls Church, Virginia. Among the other hard hitting pieces of journalism targeted at children, ages 11-13, is an article on “transgender rights.” The...
Vimeo Declares War on Gospel Transformation
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   04.03.17
If Jesus has changed your life and set you free from homosexual practice, your testimony is not welcome on Vimeo – not now, not ever. And if you see homosexuality as another aspect of sexual brokenness, something for which Jesus...
Beyond Boycotting to Stewardship
By Israel Wayne   |   03.22.17
To boycott, or not to boycott? That is the question. Inevitably a company will take a social position that offends the sensibilities of a large segment of their customer base. This happens on the political right and left. Those whose...
Call to Prayer (March 2017)
This month’s IFI Prayer Team guidance comes from Phil DelRe, Executive Director of Voice in the Wilderness Ministries. To Our Great God and Savior, With our hearts bowed before you, we join the heavenly host and cry, Holy, holy, holy,...
Christians Should Be Eager To Get Involved in Cultural Transformation
By David E. Smith   |   03.06.17
The American Culture and Faith Institute (ACFI) released a fascinating survey recently revealing that 95 percent of “Spiritually Active, Governance Engaged Christian Conservatives” or “SAGE Cons” are not satisfied with the state of American culture today. While this finding may...
Setting our Focus Above
By David E. Smith   |   03.01.17
It is a fact: we live in a post-Christian culture. America is growing more and more hostile toward expressions of faith and overt devotion and all expressions of traditional Judeo-Christian values. In our current climate, choosing to lead a Christian...
Support for Abortion Funding Should Sink Any Legislator’s Re-Election
By John Biver   |   02.18.17
Here is some bad news: Illinoisans who support the use of your money to pay for abortions have been calling their legislators asking them to support HB 40. A vote on this bill could come at any time. The good...
The One Thing We Can All Agree On is That We Can’t Agree
By   |   02.09.17
The day after the election, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw two posts back-to-back from friends. One was convinced the world was coming to an end now that Donald Trump was elected president; the other was convinced...
Who Are the Real Bible-Quoting Hypocrites?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.04.17
One of the sharpest criticisms that comes against Bible-quoting, conservative Christians is that we are hypocrites, failing to live by the very book that we so zealously quote. Sadly, that criticism is often true.
Cleaning House: A Recommitment to Prayer
By David E. Smith   |   01.30.17
By now, most of us have out away our Christmas lights and decorations. However, the hope and truth of the Christmas story still remains. Luke 2:7 says “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” This one verse tells us that Jesus was born in a manger, because there was no room at the local motel.
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