End-of-Session Prayer Alert
By David E. Smith   |   04.30.19
Illinois State lawmakers are entering into the last month of the 2019 Spring Session. They have much on their legislative agenda, including approving a budget for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1st. The Illinois State Constitution requires...
What Are Your Real Priorities?
By Jonathan Lewis   |   04.27.19
A couple of weeks ago, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, I found myself in our dark, dingy basement in one of my sporadic efforts to clean it out. Our basement is one of the old-fashioned kind. Unfinished. Dimly lit. Concrete...
The Criminalization of Christianity
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.24.19
On May 4, Australian rugby star Israel Folau, who was expected to play at the World Cup this fall, will come before a three-member panel of Rugby Australia following his firing by the organization for allegedly committing “a high-level breach...
Notre Dame and a Brief Lament for Western Civilization
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.19.19
Even many who are little disposed to viewing life’s vicissitudes symbolically found themselves wondering about the meaning of the inferno that consumed much of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during Holy Week. What does the gutting of this magnificent architectural symbol of man’s adoration of the Creator of all things beautiful signify?
Praying for Our Enemies
By David E. Smith   |   04.09.19
We at IFI and IFA have been humbled and blessed by the words of encouragement, prayers, and support we have received over the past two weeks from subscribers. We can’t adequately express how thankful we are for such support or describe how is has bolstered our spirits and strengthened our resolve to act and speak boldly in defense of the least among us.
Becoming a Deuteronomy 6 Dad
By Jonathan Lewis   |   03.23.19
I don’t know about you, but I find God’s instructions in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 both challenging and convicting. It’s in this passage that God commands parents to teach their children in His ways diligently—as we sit at home, walk along the...
1984 and the End of Freedom in Illinois
By   |   03.18.19
George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, which was published 70 years ago, portrays a totalitarian world of censorship and ubiquitous surveillance where ordinary citizens are expected to report resistors who are  then ruthlessly punished for their “thought crimes.” Illinois State Representative...
Where Did All My Gym Socks Go?
By Jonathan Lewis   |   03.05.19
Lessons about marriage from an early morning hunt for clean socks...
Responding to the Pro-Choice Movement
By David E. Smith   |   03.02.19
In the past several weeks, we’ve seen a hard progressive push toward more radical legalizations to abortion.  The state of New York recently passed a law that would permit abortions up to the moments of birth.  There have been discussions...
Dying to Belong
You may or may not realize it but, shaming, name calling and various other attacks of intimidation are happening to people who aren’t even public figures. The mob has come for authors, teachers, small business owners, high school kids...and it will come for you. What will you do then?
Illinois HB 3023: Creating Target-Rich Environments
By David E. Smith   |   02.18.19
UPDATE: The sponsor of HB 3023 has “tabled” this bill.
This proposal is dead for the session. America was birthed as adventurous. Persecuted people braved an Atlantic crossing to establish new lives with new opportunities and freedoms in a wild...
A Call for Prayer & Fasting for Illinois
A study of Scripture and church history shows that there are times when God’s people are called to endure long seasons of challenge. We are also called to recognize that the battle we face is ultimately a spiritual battle. We are not given a full understanding in Scripture of all that takes place in the spiritual realm, but from the book of Daniel and other places in Scripture we know that much more is taking place than we realize.
Pastor’s Breakfast in Oak Brook Regarding Marijuana Legalization
By David E. Smith   |   02.09.19
Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders, Illinois Family Institute is hosting an important Pastor’s Breakfast on Monday, January 28th in Oak Brook regarding the proposal to legalize recreational marijuana in our state. There are many consequences for our churches and communities...
The Church of Social Justice Embarrasses Itself with Statements Like This
The Social Justice church continues embarrassing itself.  And while I continue praying for unity within the church of Christ, for the diminishment of manufactured schisms and the futile exaltation of man-made schemes for worldly reconciliation, it’s getting to the point where I’m convinced that this movement is just going to have to burn itself out by butchering its own credibility amongst the brethren.
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