Concerns About Common Core (Part 1)
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.27.13
Most Americans have heard the term Common Core Standards (CCS), but many have little idea what those standards are, who created them, or what is troubling about those standards, which are a significant step in the movement toward nationalizing public...
Anthony Esolen on “Bullying Prevention” in Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.15.13
My favorite writer, Anthony Esolen, Professor of English at Providence College in Rhode Island, has written yet another incisive and illuminating article, this time on the dishonest exploitation of school bullying prevention efforts for the purposes of normalizing homosexuality. His...
Back to School: Teachers Who Exploit Their Position
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.13.13
As your children start off a new school year, take time to get to know what’s going on in your local public schools.   Although taxpayers must address the issue of objectionable curricular material directly, which will involve challenging the specious...
Ignorance Wins in Middle School Book Controversy
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.13.13
On June 10, the Hadley Middle School Board of Education in Glen Ellyn reversed its prior decision to exclude the obscene and sexually graphic The Perks of Being a Wallflower from its independent reading program. This second vote was 6-1...
Correction and Request Regarding Hadley Middle School
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.10.13
Important Address Correction: The Hadley Middle School Board of Education meeting next Monday, June 10 will be held at the Central Services Office, 793 N Main St. Glen Ellyn, 60137 (map). It begins at 7:30.
Email Exchange with Teacher About The Perks of Being a Wallflower
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.05.13
Here’s an email I received from a Christian public school teacher who defends the teaching in public schools of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, followed by my response:   I am a conservative, a church-attending Christian, a public school elementary...
Glen Ellyn Middle School Embroiled in Book Controversy
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.03.13
Last December students in Tina Booth’s 8th grade literacy class at Hadley Middle School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois were divided into small groups and assigned to choose a book to read. One group chose the infamous The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which set in motion a controversy that persists today.
Usurping Parental Rights
By David E. Smith   |   05.24.13
For a second year in a row, Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Chicago) has introduced a bill, SB 1307, to lower the mandatory age for school attendance in Illinois from 7 to 5 years-of-age.   This year, Senator Lightford amended her...
The Left Exploits Elizabeth Smart to Promote Comprehensive Sex Ed
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.21.13
Editor’s Note:  This bill could be called for a vote this week in the Illinois Senate. 
Please take a few minutes to contact your state senator today! In their relentless effort to rob Illinois communities of the right to choose...
Liberal Lawmaker Scrambles to Find Evidence for Comprehensive Sex Ed Bill But Fails
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.09.13
As noted in my last article on the comprehensive sex ed bill (HB 2675), no lawmakers in the Illinois House who supported the bill, including the sponsors, provided any research-based evidence during floor debates proving the superior effectiveness of comprehensive sex ed. In response to an inquiry from an Illinois citizen, State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) provided two articles and one study in defense of her support for this troubling and unnecessary bill...
Embarrassing Truth about Illinois Lawmakers, Sex Ed Bill, and Absence of Research
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.07.13
During the floor debate in the Illinois House of Representatives, supporters of the “comprehensive sex ed” bill (HB 2675), continually stated falsely that this bill mandates nothing. In fact it mandates the use of comprehensive sex ed curricula in any...
What “Comprehensive” Sex Education Really Means
By David E. Smith   |   05.06.13
When you hear the term “comprehensive” as a way to describe legislation, you can be sure the government has big plans to invade a new corner of your life. “Comprehensive sex education” for public schools is no exception. That’s why it’s critical HB 2675 be stopped!
Illinois Should Not Mandate Inappropriate Sex Education
Once again, members of the Illinois Legislature are trying to mandate explicit, inappropriate sex education, as they attempt to do year after year. House Bill 2675 is peddled as an attempt to reduce “teen-pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases,” but this is a ruse. We are aware of no research indicating that contraceptive-based sex-education classes have ever shown a reduction in teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. While the bill’s supporters claim...
Middle School’s Anti-Bullying Activity: Girls Asked to Kiss Girls
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.25.13
If you want to see where the deceitful effort of homosexual activists to exploit bullying-prevention for their own selfish and pernicious goals goes next, look at what recently happened in a New York middle school. School administrators colluding with college...
Fatuous Floor Debate in Springfield on Comprehensive Sex Ed Bill
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.24.13
All Illinoisans should be troubled that our lawmakers vote for bills without demanding any evidence proving that the bills will solve the problems that the bills’ sponsors cite as the reasons the bills are needed. Case in point: last week’s...
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