What Parents & Tapayers Should Know About Their Local Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.20.14
There are numerous problems affecting public education, problems so serious that many families are choosing either to homeschool their children or send them to private schools—options which very few families are able to implement or afford.
Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity
The highly acclaimed school standards called Common Core are becoming so unpopular that they may soon be politically untouchable...
Pro-Life Political Scientist Claims $16 Trillion in Federal Revenue Has Been Lost Due to Abortions
A pro-life political scientist published research finding that as much as $16 trillion in federal revenue has been lost due to on-demand abortions in America.
Flee from Public School Pornogogues Pronto
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.14.14
Providence College English professor, Anthony Esolen, has done it again. He’s written another must-read piece, this time an impassioned plea to Christian parents to pull their children out of public schools. Esolen importunes parents to fulfill our God-given obligation to...
IFI Special Event In Bensenville on August 25th
On Monday evening, August 25th, the Illinois Family Institute will be hosting a special event at Grace Gospel Fellowship in Bensenville. Our speaker is historian and Pastor Dan Fisher. Please join us as Pastor Dan brings to life our Christian...
Sex “Educators” Push the Proverbial Envelope–Again
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.09.14
Click here  (*WARNING: Repellent photo*) to see what was shown to eight-graders recently at Pine Valley Middle School in (where else) California. It was part of a “humorous” sex education presentation that included hilarious jokes about “women on top” and...
Illinois Senate Passes Another Bullying Bill
By David E. Smith   |   05.23.14
How did they vote? This morning, the Illinois Senate voted 37 to 18 to pass HB 5707, a completely unnecessary proposal sponsored by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) and State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago).  This legislation constitutes nothing more than...
When Boys Must Be Girls, and Vice Versa
By Robert Knight   |   05.22.14
If you ever start hoping that the Left will leave the rest of us alone, move on, because that’s not going to happen. At the heart of the Founders’ vision for America was the idea of decentralized power, whereby people...
Racist Lecturer Delivers Anti-Republican Rant at Public University
A guest lecturer at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, a public school, began class Tuesday with a racist, anti-Republican rant that went on for more than ten minutes.
The True Face of “Anti-Bullying”: Dan Savage
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.08.14
As the Illinois House of Representatives in Springfield stands poised to pass yet another homosexuality-affirming “anti-bullying” bill out of committee and as our public schools prepare for yet another homosexuality-affirming Day of Silence—all of which are sponsored by homosexual activists—it’s...
Day of Silence: The Rest of the Story
Q. Why should parents be concerned about the so-called Day of Silence? A. This event was started first by college students, then picked up as a national activist effort by an adult homosexual advocacy group, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). The goal is to promote homosexuality to all students in a given school, under the aegis of fighting discrimination. It has grown enormously, unfortunately, as the support for the 'gay' agenda has been embraced by schools and impressionable students nationwide.
State Representative Kelly Cassidy’s At It Again
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.04.14
UGLY-HEAD-REARING ALERT Two years ago, yet another “anti-bullying” law (HB 5290) was defeated in the Illinois Senate. It has now been resurrected by one of Springfield’s most troubling homosexual activist lawmakers, State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) as HB 5707. Particular...
Fatuous “White Privilege Conference” This Week
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.25.14
Many Americans find President Obama’s obsession with income inequality troubling. Many think the goal of equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity is misguided and harmful. Many are concerned with his hyper-focus on race, class, gender, and the...
Legislation to Delay Common Core — Hearing This Wednesday
By David E. Smith   |   03.24.14
This Wednesday, State Representative Dwight Kay (R-Glen Carbon) will be presenting HR 543 before the House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.  This resolution will urge the Illinois State Board of Education to delay the implementation of Common Core Standards until...
Colorful Condom Dispensers in Chicago Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.20.14
For those who care about how our hard-earned taxes are spent, take a look-see at the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI) for Chicago Public Schools that is being paid for by a $20 million federal grant. Some of this money...
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