When you hear the terms “comprehensive,” “medically accurate,” and “age appropriate” as ways to describe the content of what is being taught to your children in government schools, alarm bells should sound in your head. “Comprehensive sex education” is a one-size-fits-all approach to sex education and is anything but “age- appropriate” curriculum.
What exactly is comprehensive sex-ed? Read about it HERE. (Additionally, read more about what the national organization for “comprehensive” sex-ed curricula, SIECUS, deems as “age-appropriate.”)
The good news is, you can opt-out your students from these dangerous classes!
Parents, grandparents, and church leaders must respond proactively to protect the hearts and minds of children from the wicked propaganda to which too many government school bureaucrats are exposing and encouraging children into early sexual experimentation, homosexuality, and transgender confusion.
Parents, if you’re unable to homeschool your child or afford private education, please consider protecting him/her from radical sex-education and other godless indoctrination. Click on the check below to access the form to opt them out of these classes.
This Opt Out Form should be printed and signed. As parents, grandparents and church leaders, we are responsible for their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Not the school and not the teacher. If you do not want your child exposed to sexual deviancy, please download this form and check the appropriate box(es). Instructions are included.
All of us (taxpayers) should be bold advocates for innocent children, respectfully demanding that impressionable students not be exposed to any material or activities that embody Leftist assumptions about fornication, homosexuality, or transgender ideology.
The good news is, our friends at Awake Illinois are reporting that the majority of school districts in Illinois have opted out of adopting the radical left-wing sexual education curricula. They sent a Freedom of Information Act Request (F.O.I.A.) to the Illinois State Board of Education, and discovered that 552 out of 758 school districts have opted out of the program after surveying parents. Yet they also report that “several large K-12 school districts are reporting low numbers of opted-out students, if any at all.”
For more in-depth resources on the nature of comprehensive sexuality lessons and how they came to be implemented into Illinois law, please visit awakeIL.com/optout.
Below are sample letters that parents can email to their children’s teachers, school administrators, and school board members. One letter is for use by parents of elementary and middle school students, and one is for use by parents of high school students. These letters can be sent as is or modified:
Suggested Template for Letters to Elementary and Middle Schools:
(Click HERE to download as MSWord Doc.)
Dear (teacher or administrator name),
In light of relatively recent and radical cultural changes regarding homosexuality and gender confusion and in light of the fact that there are many educators using public education to transform the philosophical, moral, and political views of other people’s minor children on these issues, we are notifying you that under no circumstance is our (son or daughter) (child’s name) to be exposed to any curricular resources, supplementary resources, activities, or discussions that address homosexuality or gender confusion. This would include but not be limited to picture books, nonfiction books, novels, plays, essays, newspaper or magazine articles, movies, speakers, and anti-bullying programs.
Many public school teachers are engaging in de facto censorship, presenting only resources that embody progressive assumptions about homosexuality and gender confusion, thus undermining sound pedagogy by transforming education into indoctrination. This advocacy is especially troubling in elementary schools where children are neither intellectually nor emotionally equipped to identify or understand the complexities of these issues. For example, progressives defend picture books that portray homosexual relationships positively by asserting that they’re just about “love.” What they fail to address is the type of love positively portrayed in such picture books: homoerotic love. The underlying assumption embodied and promoted in such books–which is that homoerotic love is by nature equivalent to male-female erotic love–is highly controversial and a-historical. If the distinction between sexually complementary and homoerotic love and the controversy about homoeroticism are age-inappropriate for elementary school students, then so too are picture books that implicitly introduce them.
To protect our child from this troubling political and philosophical advocacy, (he or she) is not to be exposed to resources that espouse or embody progressive assumptions.
Finally, under no circumstance is our child permitted to use restrooms or locker rooms with students, faculty, staff, or administrators of the opposite sex.
Please let us know whether you will honor our requests.
Thank you very much.
(Parent or parents’ names)
Suggested Template for Letter to High Schools:
(Click HERE to download as MSWord Doc.)
Dear (teacher or administrator name),
In light of relatively recent and radical cultural changes regarding homosexuality and gender confusion and in light of the fact that there are many educators using public education to transform the philosophical, moral, and political views of other people’s minor children on these issues, we are notifying you that our (son or daughter) (child’s name) is not to be exposed to any curricular resources, supplementary resources, activities, or discussions that address homosexuality or gender confusion unless they are exposed to resources from both sides of the debate.
Many public high school teachers are engaging in de facto censorship, presenting resources that embody or advocate for progressive assumptions about homosexuality and gender confusion, thus undermining sound pedagogy by transforming education into indoctrination.
To protect our child from this troubling political and philosophical advocacy, (he or she) is not to be exposed to resources that espouse or embody progressive assumptions unless equal time is spent studying resources that challenge, critique, and/or dissent from progressive assumptions. This would include but not be limited to nonfiction books, novels, plays, essays, newspaper or magazine articles, movies, speakers, field trips, and anti-bullying programs. Our request pertains to all classes, including but not limited to English, social studies, health/sex ed, theater, world language, and science classes.
Finally, under no circumstance is our child permitted to use restrooms or locker rooms with students, faculty, staff, or administrators of the opposite sex.
Please let us know whether you will honor our requests.
Thank you very much.
(Parent or parents’ names)