Tag Archives: Girl Scouts

American Heritage Girls: An Alternative to Girl Scouts

Near the end of May, we discussed Boy Scouts and their name change to “Scouting America.” In the article, we excitedly highlighted Trail Life USA as the Christian, conservative alternative to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, within scouting, the influence of the left is not limited to the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, too, has been infected with a liberal agenda.  
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BLM’s™ Totalitarian Youth—Sieg Heil

Videos have been circulating of young bestial thugs—whites and blacks, women and men—shrieking in the faces of al fresco diners, commanding them to raise a fist in solidarity with BLM/Antifa totalitarians. To leftists nothing says freedom quite like coerced performative acts.

Maybe these young bestial thugs never learned about Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution and the Red Guard composed of young people that Mao used to intimidate, humiliate, and attack his political enemies. The New York Times described the Red Guard’s efforts...
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Mormon Exodus from Scouting Is Good for Boys

It’s official. The Mormons have finally figured out that they can’t do business with the devil. Bully for them.

More specifically, the Salt Lake City-based denomination is flipping off the demonic forces assigned by Beelzebub to wage war on God’s creation of male and female.

That’s where the minions of Hell have been concentrating their firepower in recent years.  It’s not for nothing that we’ve been told, over and over, that male-female differences are irrelevant and reality is entirely subjective.

But, be of good cheer. Resistance to the cultural insanity is growing.  Last Tuesday, the Church of Jesus Christ of …

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Boy Scouts Allow Girls to Join. Are Transgender ‘Zir Scouts’ Next?

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced Wednesday that it will start admitting girls to its Cub Scouts program, and eventually will create a parallel program that allows older girls to rise to the level of Eagle Scout.

In a statement, the BSA said its decision was in line with its “core values” and was driven by changes in the American family and busy parents desiring a Scouts-like program for their daughters.

“Starting in the 2018 program year, families can choose to sign up their sons and daughters for Cub Scouts,” the statement said. “Existing packs may choose to …

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PODCAST: Boy Scouts to Go Co-Ed

The Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) has got a collective case of the vapors over their discovery of a “covert campaign to recruit girls into programs run by the Boy Scouts.”  How dare the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) even consider allowing girls in the BSA!

Does someone have to towel to wipe up the irony that drips from the brows of the conspiracy theorists who man the helm of the Left-listing GSUSA ship?

Read more…

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Girl Scouts, Faux-Courage, and Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts is out in orbit —I mean, over the moon—over the CEO of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington’s refusal of a $100,000 donation to the Girl Scouts that stipulated the money could not be used to support “transgender girls.” Just to be clear in our increasingly cloudy culture, “transgender girls” are actual boys.

Pitts feels “indebted to [CEO Megan Ferland] for her…inspiring moral courage.” This act of “moral courage” will likely be celebrated by lesbian Krista Kokjohn-Poehler who is the “Chief Girl Experience Officer” (yes, that’s really her title) of the Girl Scouts of America.

Even the …

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The Latest Downward Slide for Girl Scouts: ‘Girl’ is Now Optional

A traditional values leader is exposing the Girl Scouts for its continued move toward far-left causes.

The latest announcement, says Linda Harvey of Mission America, is that little boys from kindergarten through high school can join the Girl Scouts, if the boy considers himself a girl.

“In other words, he calls the shots,” Harvey says of young males. “He is the one that determines the rights and privacy of authentic girls.”

Regarding transgender youth, the website for the Scouts states that if a boy is recognized as living as a girl, “then Girl Scouts is an organization that can …

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