Tag Archives: Rod Dreher

Which Way, America?

If parents continue sacrificing children on the altar of government schools, the future looks bleak indeed. But if they take back the role of guardians, a glorious future of restoration and healing is possible.
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Another Conversation With Rod Dreher

Pastor Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church recently interviewed Rod Dreher about his latest book, Live Not By Lies. The heart of this excellent interview is a phenomenon we are seeing but don't always want to acknowledge: we are living in a time of soft totalitarianism. Those who have been blessed to live in the USA all their lives are often not as quick to recognize this as those who have come from communist nations.
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Dr. Carl Trueman: How Did We Get Here?

IFI was blessed to be able to interview Grove City College professor of biblical and religious studies and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution Dr. Carl Trueman last fall when he was the keynote speaker at the annual Touchstone Conference... His landmark book has been lauded by cultural critics from Rod Dreher to Ben Shapiro to Al Mohler.
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Dr. Peter Leithart: How Are We Living in Apocalyptic Times

IFI is pleased to offer these interviews in short savory segments for your edification beginning with Peter Leithart, president of Theopolis Institute and teacher at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Leithart is a prolific writer who has authored many books and writes a regular column for First Things Magazine.
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Legendary Hypocrisy and Deceit of Democrats

As Leftists unravel and incinerate the fabric of America, it’s helpful—unpleasant but helpful—to recall some of their now legendary acts of hypocrisy and deceit, including the widespread use of Newspeak. So, let’s start with that.

While claiming to have a corner on compassion and love, Leftists now refer to human beings by the soulless, utilitarian term “human infrastructure”—something to be used, manipulated, repaired, or destroyed and rebuilt in ways that better serve the omniscient and omnipotent among us. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that they are including the word “human’’—for now.

Leftists cheer for the acts alleged by …

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A Conversation with Rod Dreher [Full Interview]

Previously we have featured a series of video excerpts, but, as promised, we are now pleased to present the entirety of Pastor Derek Buikema’s recent interview with Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative and author of The Benedict Option.

Mr. Dreher begins by stating that one purpose of a Christian is to transform the world with the truth of the gospel – but how can that be accomplished when so many people don’t know what the faith teaches and lack spiritual discipline?

Pastor Derek and Rod engage in an in-depth discussion of the Benedict Option, …

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Ordinances Banning ‘Sexual Orientation Change Efforts’ Are Unconstitutional, Says 11th Circuit

Many Christians, especially when it comes to LGBT-related issues, have bought into what might be called “the inevitability thesis.” Nearly everything in our culture has convinced them to assume that it is futile for anyone to resist their same-sex attractions. And, any attempt to help someone, especially young people, reduce their behaviors and attractions is just as futile, and probably even illegal. 

A ruling last month from the 11th Circuit court challenges the inevitability thesis.
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Postcard From Pre-Totalitarian America

Last year, I spoke to a Soviet-born scholar who teaches in an American public university. I’m using a quote from our discussion in my forthcoming (September) book, Live Not By Lies. This morning, she sent me this e-mail, which I reproduce here with her permission:
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Rod Dreher Answers, “Isn’t the Benedict Option a Retreat?”

In Part 3 of Pastor Derek Buikema’s compelling interview with author Rod Dreher, they discuss the difference between a cowardly retreat from culture and a “strategic retreat” intended to strengthen the faithful for the persecution that is coming to an increasingly anti-Christian world, including America.
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Media Misrepresents the Story of Christian School That Expelled Student

The story of an innocent birthday cake that wasn’t and the expulsion of 15-year-old Kayla Kenney from Whitefield Academy, a private Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky, has been covered in multiple news outlets. Kenney’s mother, Kimberly Alford, took a photo of her daughter sitting in front of a specially designed rainbow-colored birthday cake, wearing a sweater adorned with rainbow stripes, and then posted it on Facebook. Shortly after the Facebook posting, the theologically orthodox Christian school notified the family that Kayla was expelled.

Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Post story:

Alford instructed a bakery to decorate a

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Rod Dreher: What is the Benedict Option?

In Part 2 of Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with author Rod Dreher, they discuss his book, The Benedict Option... Rod describes what the Benedict Option is and, equally important, what it isn’t.
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Pastor Derek Buikema Interviews Rod Dreher on Christian WorldView

IFI has a special treat for our readers. Recently, Derek Buikema, senior pastor of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, interviewed Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative and author of The Benedict Option, when Rod spoke at the Touchstone Magazine Conference held annually at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois.

Starting today, we will release the first in a series of short video excerpts from this informative, inspiring, and delightful interview and then will release the full uninterrupted video. In this first excerpt, Pastor Derek and Rod discuss the nature, importance, and cultural implications of a …

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LGBTyranny Spreading in Purportedly Free Countries

Several months ago, Paivi Räsänen, a Finnish lawmaker, physician, mother of five, and wife of a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland was investigated by the police for her posting on Twitter and Facebook of Romans 1: 24-27 with these accompanying words:

How can the church’s doctrinal foundation, the Bible, be compatible with the lifting up of shame and sin as a subject of pride?

Her comment was prompted by the decision of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to “become an official partner of the 2019 LGBT Pride events,” which Räsänen rightly believes conflicts with biblical …

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The 2019 Touchstone Conference

Join us as Allan Carlson, Rod Dreher, Tony Esolen, Douglas Farrow, Robert P. George, Russell Moore, John Stonestreet & others discuss The Benedict and Other Options for fighting the world, the flesh & the devil.
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First Santa, Now Drag Queens: Macy’s Celebrates “Pride” Month

Macy’s was once a symbol of wholesome American fun with its Thanksgiving Parades and visits with Santa Claus, immortalized years ago in the classic movie Miracle on 34th Street. But this month the department store chain is busy promoting the debauchery associated with LGBT “pride” and pushing the new all-American tradition of encouraging children to interact with perverted drag queens.
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