Tag Archives: Richard Dawkins

The Greatest Masterpiece in the English Language

With another school season gearing up, debates about the content of curriculum arise. Should the Bible be included in any way?
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Woke Won’t Work

For many years, I have been predicting a cultural pushback against the radical left, knowing that, at a certain point, people would say, “Enough is enough...”

The Bud Light and Target boycotts have now become cautionary tales, reminding us that your average American does not share these extremist ideas.
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Trivializing Trauma

Over the last several years there has been a growing movement to normalize pedophilia. In fact, using the term, pedophile, is beginning to be seen as outmoded. Instead we are being urged to use “minor attracted person.” I expect it will not be long until we will be required to add MAP to the already cumbersome 2SLGBTQQAI+.
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May God Have Mercy Upon Us and Our Troubled Country

With our nation on a razor’s edge, the days are getting shorter — and darker.

In fact, the winter solstice is coming in a couple of weeks on Dec. 21, marking the shortest day on the calendar and thus the darkest time of the year.
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Screening: Ray Comfort’s “The Fool” in Arlington Heights

What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot?
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Screening: Ray Comfort’s “The Fool” in Frankfort

What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot?
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Screening: Ray Comfort’s “The Fool” in Chicago

What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot?
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Religious Persecution: Coming to America?

In 1929, Josef Stalin signed a law that dealt a devastating blow to religious freedom in Russia. For most of a century, Russian Christians suffered enormous persecutions for their faith. Some estimates suggest that as many as 20,000,000 Christians may have been martyred in prison camps in the 20th century for holding to their faith. One historian stated that over 85,000 Russian Orthodox Priests were shot in 1937 alone.

Communism, despite its slogans of equality and social utopia, has never come through on its promises. Stalin’s draconian measures were reaffirmed by Leonid Brezhnev’s updated legislation in 1975. A …

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The Universal Problem

How do we fix a world filled with murder, rape, betrayal, adultery, fraud, theft, sexual exploitation, pornography, bullying, abortion, terrorism, cheating, lying, child abuse, racism, assault, drugs, robbery, and countless other evils?
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Atheist Richard Dawkins Wants to Keep Parents from Imposing Religion On Kids – While Imposing His Religion

Richard Dawkins recently made one of the most ironic statements I’ve heard this week. During an interview for The Irish Times Dawkins, speaking about children, said:

“Children do need to be protected so that they can have a proper education and not be indoctrinated in whatever religion their parents happen to have been brought up in.”

The irony of the statement is found in the fact that Dawkins is one of the world’s foremost atheists, which is just another “religious” ideology.

I suppose people don’t often consider atheism a religion, but rather than absence of or rejection of religion. But …

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Atheist Ignorance on Holiday Billboards

~Correction/Update: Although Neuqua Valley High School still lists Hemant Mehta on its Math Department faculty webpage, he no longer works there. Linked screenshot below* was taken today, Dec. 19, 2014.~

A new Chicago-area billboard campaign from the aggressively offensive Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) exposes again this organization’s hostility to and childish misunderstanding of Christian faith.

The FFRF has announced that eleven billboards are going up with these special holiday messages:

  • “Kindness comes from altruism, not from seeking divine reward.”
  • “We are here to challenge you to think for yourself.”
  • “I believe in reason and logic!”
  • “Equality for all shouldn’t
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Learning From Young Atheists: What Turned Them Off Christianity

It’s something most Christian parents worry about: You send your kids off to college and when they come back, you find they’ve lost their faith. The prospect of this happening is why many parents nudge their kids towards Christian colleges, or at least schools with a strong Christian presence on campus.

But in many ways, the damage has been done long before our children set foot on campus. That’s the message from an article in the Atlantic Monthly.

My friend Larry Taunton of the Fixed Point Foundation set out to find out why so many young Christians lose their …

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Bill Nye’s Reasonable Man — The Central Worldview Clash of the Ham-Nye Debate

Last night’s debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham attracted a huge international audience and no shortage of controversy—even before it began. Bill Nye, whose main media presence is as “The Science Guy,” and Ken Ham, co-founder of Answers in Genesis and founder of the Creation Museum, squared off in a true debate over one of the most important questions that the human mind can contemplate. That is no small achievement.

I enjoyed a front row seat at the debate, which took place even as a major winter storm raged outside, dumping considerable amounts of snow and ice and causing …

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