Tag Archives: Truth

Speak the Truth in Love

Public discourse is frequently angry, full of yelling, name-calling, and “gotcha” statements. There’s no love and often little truth in the interaction. Christians are supposed to be different.
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Christians, Stop Living Like You’re Lost Part 2

In my last article I addressed the reality that many born-again Christians have been thinking and acting too much like the non-Christians around them.  I pointed out particularly the willingness of so many to lie, or misrepresent the facts, when it appeared to benefit them.  Sadly, abandoning truthfulness is not the only similarity between many of God’s people and the world.
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Ten Things That Are True About God Today

I recently wrote about the value of asking ourselves during challenging times the question “What is true about God right now?”

With all that’s going on in our nation these days, perhaps now would be a good time to reflect on that question in the context of current events.

Here are ten things that are true about God no matter what’s going on in the world around us.

#1: He’s Still in Control

Psalm 97:1: “The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.

No matter the outcome of an election, God is still …

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Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak Truth

If this were 1999—the year that I was converted and walked away from the woman and lesbian community I loved—instead of 2016, Jen Hatmaker’s words about the holiness of LGBT relationships would have flooded into my world like a balm of Gilead. How amazing it would have been to have someone as radiant, knowledgeable, humble, kind, and funny as Jen saying out loud what my heart was shouting: Yes, I can have Jesus and my girlfriend. Yes, I can flourish both in my tenured academic discipline (queer theory and English literature and culture) and in my church. My emotional vertigo could find normal once again.
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The Universal Problem

How do we fix a world filled with murder, rape, betrayal, adultery, fraud, theft, sexual exploitation, pornography, bullying, abortion, terrorism, cheating, lying, child abuse, racism, assault, drugs, robbery, and countless other evils?
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Where is the Truth?

So, what is missing in the political campaign of 2012?  I would suggest truth and integrity are most notable by their absence.  It is little wonder that Americans are jaded and cynical about politicians. Regardless of what they promise before elected, once in office many officials appear to serve themselves rather than the public.  How is it that having formed a union “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” we find ourselves feeling so much “us vs. them” when it should be just “us?”  Why don’t we trust those we have elected?  The answer may not be …

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