Tag Archives: Religious Freedom
Self Evident: Suing the City & Sharing the Gospel
Chicagoan, Mariyah Green, Stood Up for Religious Freedom in Schools and Won A Major Victory!
IFI Joins Brief Demanding that Boston Stop Discriminating Against Christians
Religious Freedom Attacks During COVID-19 Epidemic Expose the Greatest Threat to America
President Trump Deems Churches “Essential”; Calls on Governors to Reopen Houses of Worship
Donald Trump: The Champion of Religious Freedom
In June, 2016, when candidate Trump promised a large gathering of evangelical Christian leaders that he was committed to defending our liberties, I was skeptical. Was he just trying to get our votes? Did he really care about our freedoms? Was he truly concerned that our rights were being eroded?
For more than two years, he has answered those questions emphatically. Yes, he is committed to defending our liberties. Yes, he really does care about freedoms. And yes, he is truly concerned that our rights are being eroded.
Now, the president has gone one step further, standing up for religious …
Vice President Pence’s Religious Persecution Warning is Already Here!
Georgia Guts Religious Freedom Bill
Left Moves to Outlaw Christianity
The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left’s boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display.
I wrote last week about the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby opinion, a rather tepid acknowledgement of every American’s non-negotiable right to religious free exercise (yes, that includes Christian business owners). I observed, among other things, that “the secularist left’s utter meltdown over having but a small measure of control over others wrested away is highly instructive.”
The meltdown continues. This week brings two new …