Tag Archives: IFI Prayer Team
Prayer Bulletin for February 2025
Keen observers have noticed an important phrase tucked into one of Donald Trump's pro-life executive order: “From conception.” It proclaims that “’Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell” and ‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.”
Posted in Faith
Tagged Charles Schumer, Chris Welch, Don Harmon, Donald J. Trump, Hakeem Jeffries, IFI Prayer Team, JB Pritzker, JD Vance, Joe Biden, John Curran, John Thune, Julia Stratton, Michael Johnson, Tony McCombie
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Join the IFI Prayer Team!
Over the past several weeks, elected members of the 117th Congress in Washington DC took their oaths of office on January 3rd, and elected members of the 104th General Assembly were sworn in Springfield were sworn in on January 8th. Today, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States...
IFI Prayer Team: February 2024
One of my favorite Bluegrass Gospel renditions is sung by a group known as Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver. The song is titled, “He’s In Control” and the beginning reminds us: "There are days that darkness seems to gather in from every side. But my Lord is in control."
IFI Prayer Team: Grow in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus
Andrew Carnegie said, “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” But Scripture tells us in Proverbs 16:3: “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” And in Colossians 3:2 we are told to “set our minds on the things above, and not on the things of this world.”
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IFI Prayer Team: Election Season Call to Prayer
All believers are called to pray at all times and in all situations.
We are to pray without ceasing.
Jesus taught us to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.
We are to pray without ceasing.
Jesus taught us to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.
Posted in Exclude from Homepage, Faith
Tagged 2022 Election, IFI Prayer Team, Myles Holmes
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IFI Prayer Team: Lord Have Mercy on Illinois
Labor Day is approaching, and summer will soon give way to autumn. Many of us look forward to the change of seasons, watching the leaves change color, breathing in the crisp morning air, and picking apples with our kids or grandkids. We surmise too that many, like the IFI staff, look forward to a strong pendulum swing in the election on November 8th. In this season and every day the Good Lord grants us breath, Christians should be praying fervently for God's mercy on our state and nation. We urge prayers especially for God-fearing, pro-life candidates to prevail in this election cycle.
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It Is Time To Pray!
These last several weeks have been pretty tough for our nation. In addition to observing the 20 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we’ve seen flooding in Tennessee that left over twenty people dead and we’ve witnessed the devastating effects of Hurricane Ida in Louisiana and parts of the northeast. We are devastated at the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan which resulted in the death of thirteen special heroes and countless Afghani allies.
Bold, Earnest, and Fervent Prayers
Shortly after Dallas Seminary was founded in the early 1920’s, it came to the point of bankruptcy and almost folded. On the morning it was to be foreclosed, the founders and leaders of the school met in the president's office to pray that God would provide.
Harry Ironside was present at that prayer meeting. He boldly prayed, "Lord, we know that the cattle on a thousand hills are Thine. Please sell some of them and send us the money."
Harry Ironside was present at that prayer meeting. He boldly prayed, "Lord, we know that the cattle on a thousand hills are Thine. Please sell some of them and send us the money."
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Tagged E.M. Bounds, Harry Ironside, IFI Prayer Team
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Time to Fervently Seek God
King Jehoshaphat was the ruler of Judah for 25 years from 873 to 848 BC. He had his good and bad moments as a leader, but ultimately, his desire was to honor the Lord, despite his spiritual fumbles during his reign. According to 2 Chronicles 20, the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites gathered to attack Jehoshaphat and his kingdom.
How would he respond to these enemy forces coming against him?
How would he respond to these enemy forces coming against him?
The Holder of Our Tomorrow
This year has been a very, very interesting year. Some will say it has been a difficult year. Others will say that it’s been a frustrating year. But all would agree that it’s been an unforgettable year. My last message to my Church before the “shutdown” was a prophetic one, without even knowing it. It was one that God knew that I and our Church family needed to hear.
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Tagged Charles H. Duell, Dr. Joey Krol, IFI Prayer Team
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“The Harvest is Plentiful…”
I was in college, embarrassingly enough, when I crashed and burned in one of the most spectacular single-bicycle accidents never caught on camera. Pedaling along at full speed on my royal blue ten-speed Huffy with no particular place to go, I suddenly found myself hurtling over the handlebars through the summer air and face-planting squarely in the right lane of N. Robb Street.
What’s Your Primary Strategy?
What is your primary strategy for bringing about the kinds of changes you’re looking for in your church, community, family, or life? I think that is a question we should all be asking, as pastors, as business people, as parents, as citizens.
Prayer Requests for May 10th
With three weeks left in the regular session of the General Assembly, we are still working to stop a number of bills that are making their way through the legislative process. Almost two dozen great activists are traveling to Springfield today to join IFI’s full time lobbyists in the hopes of meeting with key lawmakers to discuss bills of concern. Please PRAY that God would bless these grassroots lobbyist...
Prayers Needed for POTUS, Congress and General Assembly
Tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock our time, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
Last week, state lawmakers were sworn into office in Springfield to begin the 100th General Assembly.
Two weeks before that, on January 3, 2017, our federal lawmakers were sworn in, starting the 115th Congress.
Posted in Faith
Tagged Brad Schneider, Bruce Rauner, Congress, Donald Trump, General Assembly, IFI Prayer Team, Mike Pence, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Richard Durbin, Susan Mendoza, Tammy Duckworth
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