Tag Archives: faith

Rejection of God Leads to Rejection of Science (and Common Sense)

Christians who hold to historic and traditional teachings of the Bible believe that God created us from the beginning “male and female” (Genesis 5:2; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6). Biology and physiology empirically affirm that there are only two genders. Christians who hold to this theologically orthodox and scientific view believe that “gender-confirmation” surgery, hormone-blockers and cross-dressing damage humans.
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The Hopeless Brothels of Bangladesh

Hashi, a 17-year-old girl who has been working as a prostitute since she was 10, offers a painful glimpse of Bangladeshi brothel life:

When I first took a customer, I didn’t realize what was going to happen. He raped me again and again. It was bleeding severely and I was crying. I didn’t have any idea what sex is. . . . I used to serve customers one after another during the whole day. I don’t know how many, but I guess I had to serve around 20–25 customers in a day. I found at least four to five customers

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Prayer Precedes Revival: A Call to Prayer

Our country has never been so parched for prayer, yet we never have found praying harder. Prayer is too hard for us, so our country withers.
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Christians in the Public Square

When interviewed on The View regarding the recent Orlando shootings, ABC correspondent Sara Haines repeated a sentiment common to liberal political pundits.

“Right now politicians, especially those that make law in the name of their faith need to step back for a second and say I respect you for your belief. Let’s remember that unless you keep that at home in your family where you can impress that on people, our politics need to remain without religion.” [i]

Does she have a point? Must Christians confine their religion to church buildings and homes? Of course not! In our country our …

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Ex-Fire Chief Who Claims He Was Terminated Over His Biblical Views on Homosexuality Sues — and Delivers a Message About ‘Freedom’

Atlanta’s former fire chief who was terminated after he self-published a book that included his faith-based opposition to homosexuality has filed a lawsuit against the city in federal court. This act follows a complaint that his attorneys filed last month with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, citing unlawful discrimination.
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Remembering September 11, 2001

Over the course of more than two hundred years of United States history, there are moments that are indelibly etched in the collective memory of our nation. September 11, 2001 marks one of those moments that is vividly and painfully seared in the consciousness of not just Americans but people around the world as well.

High school and college students, stay-at-home moms, working men and women, seniors and retirees-everyone has a story to tell about when they heard, or worse, saw the news reports of the first 767 jet crashing into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in …

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