Tag Archives: Divorce
Silver Splitters
The Gay Celibate Christian?
How Gambling Can Destroy Students
Cohabitation—Preparation for Divorce?
Marriage is a gift from God. But marriage is in a sad state in America today, and we all suffer because of it.
I read recently about the movie star Joan Crawford who was legendary in her promiscuity. As her rival Bette Davis once reportedly sneered about her, “She slept with every male star at MGM except Lassie.”
Apparently, in the miserable and difficult childhood of Lucille LeSouer (who later adopted the name Joan Crawford), there was a wound from the absence of her father, according to Shaun Considine’s book, Bette and Joan, which became the basis for …
Are Divorce Rates the Same Among Christians and Non-Christians?
One of the often-cited claims that seems to have taken hold is that the divorce rate in the church is the same as outside of the church. Yet, is this really true? The claim overlooks what the research really says about church attendance and its impact upon both marriage and divorce rates.
Marriage and church attendance have been falling in America as rates of cohabitation and out of wedlock births have increased over the last 50 years. The decline of religion and marriage have received a lot of attention, but the link between the two has sometimes been overlooked.
Christianity …
Don’t Divorce – Part 2
Some church members seem almost determined to divorce. They are unhappy and think that if they end their marriage, they can find a better mate. What should a pastor say to them? Or what should he say to a spouse whose partner wants out?
First, pastors should urge both spouses to read an important new book by Dr. Diane Medved, Don’t Divorce: Powerful Arguments for Saving and Revitalizing Your Marriage.
However, since few people buy books these days, here’s what the pastor might say, based on the author’s advice: “No matter how strong your desire for divorce at the moment, …