Tag Archives: Christianity
Christians, Stop Living Like You’re Lost Part 2
In my last article I addressed the reality that many born-again Christians have been thinking and acting too much like the non-Christians around them. I pointed out particularly the willingness of so many to lie, or misrepresent the facts, when it appeared to benefit them. Sadly, abandoning truthfulness is not the only similarity between many of God’s people and the world.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged Christianity, Christians, church, God's Word, Scripture, Stop Living Like You’re Lost Part 2, Truth
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Not An Obstacle, But A Heritage
We are expecting our third child, due to join us in about a month. Life is full, a little stressful, often mundane, and infinitely more purposeful and joyful than it would be without our kids. I’m tired a lot of the time, but that’s a small price to pay in exchange for my daughter’s unbelievable sense of humor, the weight of my son on my chest when he snuggles after his nap, and the rolls and kicks I feel in my abdomen as I write.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged children, Christianity, dink, family, Fatherhood, feminism, heritage, motherhood, Not an Obstacle but a Heritage, parenthood
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A Convenient Dodge
Jesus forgave the sinner. He didn’t accommodate the sin. We read about this in John, Chapter 8 — often referred to as the “Woman caught in the act of adultery.” (John 8:2-11) Any of us who have read or heard this story about the adulterous woman should be asking why the Pharisees were not so hot on the idea of dealing with the sin of the adulterous man. And we should clearly see that Jesus is a God of mercy and forgiveness. Does He then excuse adultery? Hardly.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged A Convenient Dodge, adultery, Alistair Begg, Christianity, LGBTQ, Marriage, pharisee, sexuality, transgender, wedding
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Evangelize or Else: Defending Christian Culture
Would you like a government that reflects your Christian beliefs? If so then congratulations, you’re a threat to democracy! Or so says Rob Reiner, who produced a movie meant to alarm you about Christian nationalism, He even tweeted that Christian nationalism is “a danger to Christianity itself.” His message, and his movie, joins an already noisy crowd just dying to tell you that applying Christianity to politics is wrong.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Andrew Whitehead, Christian Nationalism, Christianity, Christopher Rufo, Constitution, Critical Race Theory, crt, Dr. Nikki Cole, First Amendement, Fourteenth Amendment, Frank Dikotter, government, Ibram Kendi, Jennifer Ho, Jing Zeng, John Adams, Liu Hu, Mari Matsuda, Phillip Gorski, racism, Richard Jagers, Rob Reiner, Rudyard Kipling, Samuel Perry, white supremacy
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Christians, Stop Living Like You’re Lost!
“Amazing grace! how sweet the sound-that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found. . . .” These opening words from John Newton’s famous gospel song acknowledge the reality of our lost condition without Jesus Christ.
Posted in Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Amazing Grace, anxiety, Christianity, Culture, depression, Gospel, John Newton, Mark Twain
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The Mistake by the Lake: Alistair Begg, Public Sins, and the Decay of Evangelicalism
In a recent American Reformer article detailing the decay of doctrine among Evangelicals, the point that generated the most attention by far concerned popular pastor Alistair Begg’s counsel from September of last year in which he advised a woman to attend her grandchild’s transgender “wedding.”
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged Albert Mohler, Alistair Begg, and the Decay of Evangelicalism, Bethel McGrew, Brandon Myers, Carl Trueman, Christianity, David Ayers, David Haines, Dr. Andrew Walker, evangelicalism, Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, Owen Strachan, Public Sins, Robert Gagnon, Rosaria Butterfield, The Mistake by the Lake: Alistair Begg, Tom Ascol, W. Bradford Wilcox
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Moral Clarity and Nuance Can Coexist: A Response to the ERLC’s Statement of Support for Israel
Four days after Hamas’ brutal, barbaric attack on the nation of Israel, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention released an “Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel.”
Posted in Faith, Islam & Sharia, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged Christianity, ERLC, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, war
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Chicagoan, Mariyah Green, Stood Up for Religious Freedom in Schools and Won A Major Victory!
Mariyah Green, a 2020 graduate of Bogan High School (a part of Chicago Public Schools), was awarded $150,000 by the Clerk of Court from the Northern District of Illinois on October 23 because when she was a student, she was forced to participate in Hindu meditation which violated her Christian faith.
Posted in Education, Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged Christianity, CPS, David Lynch Foundation, First Amendment, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Mariyah Green, Mauck & Baker, meditation, Religious Freedom
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Christianity and Science: Are They Compatible?
One of the main arguments against Christianity has existed in our modern society for longer than a century. It’s a major talking point debated by some of the smartest minds in this world. Some have dedicated their lives to proving this argument, and others to disproving it. It’s entirely relevant, certainly relatable, and based on something that controls much of the movement and forward progress of societies, cultures, and nations.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged Christianity, Darwin, Dr. Zumhagen, intelligent design, Science, The Origin of Species
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Cancelling Christianity (Part 2)
Americans should be dismayed by the fact that the single most effective force for good in the West, which has done so much on behalf of the powerless and weak, referring to Christianity, is under virulent, relentless attack from the Left!
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged Cancelling Christianity, Cancelling Christianity (Part 2), Christianity, John Wycliffe, Slavery
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Cancelling Christianity (Part 1)
Immigrants have long swarmed America’s shores because of the opportunities afforded to all who arrive here. Historically, a person could start a business with all the potential risks and rewards involved or take the safer route of being employed by someone else. Employment and educational opportunities have been virtually unlimited, and the choice was yours to make.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged America, Cancelling Christianity, Cancelling Christianity (Part 1), Christianity, Gerald Hiestand, immigration, Julian the Apostate, Matt Crawford, Religious Liberty, Tom Holland
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