What Makes Easter…Easter?
What Makes Easter…Easter?
Written By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer   |   03.29.24
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Churches throughout Illinois are preparing for this upcoming Easter Sunday. Also known in Christendom as Resurrection Day.

It is most certainly the most important of Christian celebrations on the calendar. I mean, what could possibly be more significant and impressive than a man crucified in front of witnesses come back to life a few days later?

I’ll tell you what is more significant.

The fact that this man—laying claim to be one with His Heavenly Father, the God of the Universe, would choose to face death in this grisly manner to satisfy God’s requirement, in order that He could “pardon” real sinners like you and me. This event became the most cause of celebration of Jesus’ day.

Its shockwaves reverberate in changed lives right up until now. 

And so how do churches mark this annual celebration of Jesus rising from the dead? Mostly by adding chairs and weekend services for those visitors who like to put a checkmark on a list of spiritual beliefs that show they somewhat agree that Jesus was important.

And maybe still is. 

Many churches today will also have a special sunrise service. Some will offer a breakfast or a brunch. And children will be invited to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Truly…special. 

In my early years of life, I found the single golden egg at a large Easter egg hunt that earned me a large stuffed rabbit. This was, of course, another grand reminder of Resurrection Day. We resurrect the Easter Bunny!

Many of these egg hunts offer real eggs and those made of chocolate. We Christians will also buy some fake grass (no, not that kind) and put it in a basket along with several other goodies (sometimes toys) and share it with our young ones. Children are invited to show off their Easter baskets—especially the very large ones from Walmart—to impress their non-Christian friends.

Happy Resurrection Day!

Easter is such an important event, even the occupants of the White House organize an annual Easter Egg Roll. But, alas, this year that wildly popular lawn game may be in jeopardy. (And no, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden’s memory.) Blame it on PETA! (No, this is not the Peta from the Bible. That was Simon PETER!) PETA is the acronym standing for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Should not all of us stand for that? 

But wait. PETA believes, according to their press release this year, that

“Easter should be a time of renewal and joy for everyone, including chickens. But chickens suffer in the cruel, environmentally destructive meat and egg industries, which raise and kill millions of sensitive birds each year.”  

PETA claims that many farms using “free-range” or “cage-free” labels confine chickens to “cramped, filthy sheds, where they can’t even stretch their wings, root in the soil, or breathe fresh air.” They also mention a disgusting practice some farmers do to the tips of chicks’ sensitive beaks. So maybe some new ethics are needed here. 

Meanwhile, PETA recommends a new approach. And I am not kidding.

They want President Joe and wife Jill to replace eggs with…potatoes!! Returning to their press release,

“Potatoes, the most popular vegetable in the country, can be dyed, decorated, rolled, and used for a festive treasure hunt. They can even be used to welcome other new traditions, such as games of hot potato and potato sack races.” 

And then comes another piece of the real agenda.

“Promoting healthy, nutritious animal-free foods would also speak volumes about Dr. Biden’s efforts to improve research into women’s health. Studies have shown that going vegan can reduce the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.”

So I guess that means we cancel the Easter ham dinner, too! For some, maybe even say farewell to the rabbit stew! And you call this Easter??

Not sure where the president will go with this. But I don’t think the potatoes are in peril.

Back to the big picture. If the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ isn’t enough to capture your heart and cause you to kneel in worship, you’ve missed the beauty of Easter.


What makes Easter…Easter?

The resurrection! It’s worth shouting about. Celebrating. Feasting. “He is Risen! He is risen indeed!”

(NOTE: – Read the glorious story in Luke 24:1-12)

Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at elfstrandgroup.com....
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