Three Pro-Life Items for Your Attention
Three Pro-Life Items for Your Attention
Written By David E. Smith   |   02.15.17
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This time of year is usually extremely busy as lawmakers in Springfield and Washington D.C. introduce a many new legislative proposals. Over the next several weeks, IFI will be sending out email alerts asking for your responses to a variety of pro-family concerns. We not only ask for your patience but also for your perseverance and diligence in speaking out on these matters. Your voice in the public square and in the inboxes of your elected officials is absolutely vital.

Today, we have three items regrading the sanctity of life to bring to your attention:

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

The most urgent matter: Click HERE to send a message to your state representative asking him/her to vote “no” to HB 40, the bill that would have our taxes pay for abortions under public aid and through state government insurance policies.

Passage of HB 40 would translate into tens of thousands of additional abortions in Illinois every year. More than 40,000 abortions are performed in Illinois annually.  HB 40 would push that number to well over 50,000 annual abortions.

This legislation may be voted on this week, so your state representative needs to hear from you right away.  Please let him/her know that you do not want your tax dollars funding abortion.  (Read more HERE.)

Defund Planned Parenthood

As you know, last year through the release of undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress, we learned of the likelihood that Planned Parenthood has been committing the horrific and illegal practice of mutilating babies “born alive” for the purpose of selling their body parts for profit. (Read more here, here and here.)

Despite these gruesome revelations, the U.S. Congress has yet to respond.

This year we have an enormous opportunity that we cannot waste. We have a strong pro-life majority in Washington D.C., and a new pro-life president in the White House! Now there is absolutely no excuse for the continued funding of this despicable organization.

In order to stop the flow of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into Planned Parenthood–the nation’s large abortion provider–we must make our voices heard and put immense pressure on our federal lawmakers to act.

Within the next few weeks, IFI will be delivering thousands of petitions to our United States Congress to demand an end to the use of our tax dollars to fund abortions.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to sign our petition to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, urging them to take whatever steps are necessary to defund this deceptive abortion-provider. Our tax dollars should not be used to subsidize any so-called “health” organization that  provides abortions, harvests organs, or traffics in human body parts.

Pro-Life Billboards

Illinois Family Institute is partnering with other pro-life advocates to reach and challenge millions of our neighbors about abortion. We are putting up pro-life billboards with the simple and bold statement “Abortion Takes Human Life,” but we need your financial partnership to make this a success.


In 2016, pro-life advocates reached 8.8 million views in Cook and DuPage Counties with this message. These billboards circumvent the biased media, going straight to the people and receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from the public. We want to build on that success in 2017. This is an opportunity to lead our culture away from abortion and toward life. Changing our culture requires bold and clear communication that reaches a large audience. This is an opportunity to save mothers and babies from abortion. Many who see these billboards will someday play a role in deciding whether or not they will abort an innocent baby. We can reach them before they’re tempted by abortion.

Click HERE to make a donation to raise funds to place these billboards throughout the Chicagoland area and then throughout the state of Illinois. We need your help to reach our culture with this life-affirming message.

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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