Sifting Wheat
Sifting Wheat
Written By David E. Smith   |   12.11.15
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
~Luke 22:21-32

Things haven’t changed that much in the past 2000 years.  Jesus warned Simon Peter, and prayed for Simon Peter.  He could be saying it to me … or you.

It is very clear to me, we are being thrown into the air like grains of wheat.  As our culture’s reliance on Christianity and the Bible continues to weaken we can expect the intensity of the sifting to increase.  The cloud of lies, the chaff, will thicken.  But the grains of truth are there, settling out as the lies are blown away.

I need you to help IFI as we work to educate, warn, exhort and even chastise the body of Christ here in the great state of Illinois.  It is vital that we recognize Satan’s tactics and turn away from the lies he is trying to sell us.  We need to work together for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As you know I’m trying to raise a total of $110,000 dollars this month for IFI.  Thankfully, a group of great supporters have issued a matching challenge of fifty-five thousand dollars to help reach our goal. But I need your help to reach our goal!

Email reminds me of chaff.  I’m throwing this message to almost twenty thousand of our subscribers, believing that there are enough “grains” to carry us to victory by the end of the month.

Will you be one of my donor “grains” right now?  It’s easy.  We’ve gone to great lengths to make our online donation functionality easy to use.  Click HERE to make a tax-deductible donation to this critical campaign right now.

We simply cannot do this without your participation!  Any amount brings us that much closer to our goal.

DONATE ONLINE or call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.

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Thank you for your support! We look forward to partnering with you in 2016 to speak and act courageously for the beliefs and values we share.

May God bless you and your family!


David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S. Help us reach our goal of raising a total of $110,000 by the end of the month – Donate today!  To make a credit card donation over the phone, call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.  You can also send a gift to P.O. Box 88848, Carol Stream, IL  60188.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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