A Great Incentive for Year-End Giving!
A Great Incentive for Year-End Giving!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

With a new year just around the corner, our team is eagerly preparing for the new challenges that lie ahead. Illinois Family Institute will continue to be on the front lines defending your values in 2021, as we have since 1992. And for supporting IFI, we have a special gift for you!

A group of great donors have put forth a challenge: every gift given to IFI before December 31st will be TRIPLED, and now Dr. Erwin Lutzer has offered an additional incentive. Dr. Lutzer’s new book “We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity” was released last month. This timely book is perfect for the tumultuous times in which we live and will sure to bless you and your like-minded friends and family.

In the introduction, theologian Dr. David Jeremiah describes the timeliness of Dr. Lutzer’s book: 

This book examines every cultural issue we are facing. Nothing is left out. It addresses diversity issues, racial issues, gender issues, social justice issues, media issues, issues of free speech, and issues rooted in socialism and Marxism. Most importantly, it covers issues related to the church and how it is responding to all of this.

To further incentivize year-end giving to help us reach the full potential of our 2 for 1 matching challenge, we are offering our supporters this great new book for any donation of $50 or more while our supplies last. Please make sure to specifically request the book when making your donation.

In making this offer, Dr. Lutzer sent me an email in which he offered IFI these encouraging words:

We need you and your organization more than ever during these trying times. God bless you brother and I hope we can meet together someday without masks.

As you know, IFI is uniquely positioned to make a significant lasting impact in Springfield and across the state. Will you partner with IFI before December 31st?

Whether it’s $25, $50, $100, $1000, or more, your generous tax-deductible gift will be tripled! Transformation won’t happen overnight, but by God’s grace, we can and will be salt and light in our state.

Together we can exercise our God-given civil liberties to expose and challenge the radical anti-family agenda of left-wing regressive lawmakers in Springfield and Washington D.C. This is not merely a political fight between the right and the left or between Republicans and Democrats. This is one more manifestation of the cosmic conflict between good and evil that has existed since the beginning of time. As Christians, we must gird ourselves for battle and not back down. We must be prepared and willing to engage boldly in the public square.

It’s important to remember that a group of leftist state lawmakers tried through intimidation to silence IFI regarding Illinois’ radical abortion expansion bill last year–legislation that we, like many others, likened to the Holocaust, thereby eliminating our right to represent you at the Capitol. But we refused to be silent. Christians cannot surrender the public square to those who celebrate the legal extermination of more than 60 million pre-born babies–human beings–whom liberals have deemed unworthy of life. Rather, we must boldly fight for what we believe, refusing to cower in fear or abandon the truth. (Read more HERE.)

We need your prayer covering and financial support!

If you haven’t already, please consider IFI in your year-end giving. Every donation–small, medium, or large–brings us closer to our goal. Don’t miss this opportunity to stand with the only full-time pro-family organization in Illinois!

Click HERE to make a secure online contribution today.

Here are some ways you can give your tax-deductible donation:

  • Contribute online HERE.
  • Give a gift of stock or appreciated assets. Contact Colleen Garcia, IFI’s Financial Administrator, at (708) 781-9328 or email her HERE.
  • Mail your year-end gift. Send to: Illinois Family Institute, P.O. Box 876, Tinley Park, IL, 60477
  • We also accept credit card donations over the phone at (708) 781-9328.

Thank you for your consideration. Your financial support and your prayers are what makes our mission to protect and preserve life, marriage, family, and liberty in Illinois possible.  THANK YOU FOR STANDING WITH US!


David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S. Donations must be postmarked by December 31st in order to qualify as 2020 gifts. Now, more than ever, your gift will help us uphold the legacy left by our forefathers.

Don’t delay, please donate today!

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