Education is not neutral. Math, science, history, reading and writing – each subject is shaped by the lens through which the teacher views the world. Education is not neutral. It’s forming the minds of the next generation, instilling in them the framework through which they’ll see and operate in life. Education, in other words, is discipleship.
Don’t believe me? Take it from G3 Ministries, which stands for Gospel – Grace – Glory. We recommend this G3 podcast episode (#68) entitled “The Need For Christian Education.” Josh Buice, Virgil Walker, and Scott Anoil discuss not only the history of public education, but, also, they discuss how our whole idea of education has been upended by the world.
This uniquely different, but helpful, discussion is a wonderful take on the education debate worthy of your time. Please watch “The Need For Christian Education” and share it on your social media platforms and send the link to your friends: