Football In The Blood
Football In The Blood
Written By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer   |   10.20.23
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Kolby and Keegan Kemp are not among your best known names from the college football ranks. Both played the sport at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois—a school known for excellence on the gridiron and in academics.

Moreover, a school steeped in the Christian faith.

Kolby played wide receiver for his four years there. Younger brother Keegan was a quarterback and receiver.

The guys appreciated having a Christian coaching staff. Playing with like-minded teammates in a culture known for shaping men of character. Both players had been good students in high school and super football players, but when you dig deeper, the roots of their talent and commitment are revealed.

The grandfather to both boys was a household name in the NFL: Jack Kemp. Jack was drafted in the 17th round by the Detroit Lions. He played for several teams before becoming the starting quarterback for the then-San Diego Chargers. Jack got sent to the Buffalo Bills, where he led the Bills for seven more years.

Then it was on to politics. Kemp served nine terms as a US congressman from Buffalo, New York. He lost the 1988 Presidential nomination to President George H.W. Bush, who appointed him as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989 to 1993.

Jack Kemp was the Republican Party’s vice presidential nominee in the 1996 election, in which Bob Dole lost to incumbent president Bill Clinton.

Jack was a self identified “born again Christian,” a strong free enterprise conservative, and a voice for the sanctity of life. He and his wife Joanne had four children—two boys and two girls. The two boys went on to play professional football.

I’ve become a casual friend to one of those Kemp men: Jeff Kemp. Jeff played quarterback for four NFL teams in his 11-year NFL career. Signed as a free agent by the Los Angeles Rams after graduating from Dartmouth, he took that team to the playoffs in 1984.

In 1986, Kemp played for the San Francisco 49ers but the following year moved on to the Seattle Seahawks, where he played five seasons as quarterback.

Jeff Kemp’s spiritual foundation was largely built while being discipled during the insecurities of his early NFL career. While playing, Jeff and his wife Stacy started doing ministry with their teammates, using Gary Smalley videotapes to help younger players (couples) strengthen their marriages.

Their perspectives were derived from working with PAO – Professional Athletes Outreach. According to Jeff,

“PAO changed our marriage, our view and handling of money as belonging to God. We started to see that our career and opportunities belong to God and are for His kingdom and glory, not mine.”

Kemp’s voice for the faith increased through speaking and visiting prisons and youth detention centers. By this outreach, Jeff

“got experience sharing our story and our journey to faith in Jesus, as well as the simple and good news of Jesus.”

All this has served him well as he left the world of pro football.

In his after-NFL life, Jeff founded and led the Seattle-based national nonprofit Stronger Families, dedicated to helping families thrive. After 18 years as a CEO, Jeff transitioned to serve FamilyLife Ministry as Vice President and Catalyst from 2012 to 2017, helping leaders and influencers strengthen families.

FamilyLife is known for their marriage conferences and resources to build, heal, and enrich families.

These opportunities to speak on issues of passion fired Jeff up. He says,

“I found my sweet spot when I was exhorting men, opening up about my life and speaking messages to engage men around blitzes in their lives, identity issues, relationship issues as husbands and dads.”

He’s called to help men receive their identity and mission, and especially to end isolation and loneliness by enjoying the deep friendships that God intends. His new book, Receive- The Way of Jesus for Men, releases November 1, 2023.

God providentially used various circumstances to nudge Jeff to step out on his own and creatively focus on men, husbands, dads, and leaders. JeffKempTeam became his platform for leadership and team training and eventually CEO Soul Coaching. Jeff’s MEN HUDDLE is a speaking/coaching platform serving men. JeffKempTeam also provides LIFT Leadership and team-building paradigms.

There is certainly more to life than football. And yet Jeff Kemp has plenty of insights on the game today. In my next article, we’ll hear his views on rising salaries, the importance of quarterbacks, and other issues, including…teamwork!

As the Scriptures teach,

Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break. (Ecclesiastes 4:12, GNT).

Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at
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