Freedom for Religion, Not From It
Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court once again affirmed that the so-called “wall of separation” that exists between church and state is not quite the edifice that liberals would like it to be.... The narrow vote along the usual 5-4 conservative/liberal lines is bound to incite many on the left to express fears about the court trying to turn the U.S. into a “Christian nation.”
Anti-Christian Activists Will Defeat Themselves
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   05.12.14
For years now, anti-Christian activists have been pushing the hate button and accusing those of us who hold to biblical morality and family values of being intolerant, hate-filled bigots (and worse). But this strategy, seen most recently in the attack...
Atheist Group Calls for Disruptions During Christian Prayers
By   |   05.07.14
In an unhinged response to Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Greece v. Galloway – which reaffirmed Americans’ First Amendment right to public prayer, to include sectarian prayer – the always entertaining Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has announced its...
SCOTUS Affirms Religious Freedom of Prayer
By David E. Smith   |   05.05.14
In 2008, Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued the town of Greece on behalf of local residents Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens, who claim that continued Christian prayer at the opening of town meetings is unconstitutional. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing the town argue that the practice of deliberative bodies to invoke divine guidance and blessings upon their work has always been constitutional.
7 Common Careers Christians May No Longer Hold in America
By Tim Wildmon   |   04.24.14
Many Christians choose self-employed careers because they want to be able to run their business according to the dictates of their faith and conscience. That list is quickly shrinking as homosexuals pro-actively seek opportunities to wreck the personal business and...
Religious Freedom is Everyone’s Business
Across social media last month, some in the Twittersphere claimed family businesses fighting for a fundamental freedom want to impose their religious and moral beliefs on their employees. Nothing could be further from the truth.
SCOTUS Quashes Case Defending Freedom of Conscience
By David E. Smith   |   04.08.14
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has dealt a severe blow to religious freedom and freedom of speech in a highly publicized case involving a New Mexico photographer.  The High Court has refused to hear the appeal of...
Mozilla CEO Forced Out: The “Resignation” Heard Round the World
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.04.14
It shouldn’t have taken the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for the Left to admit that homosexual activists and their water-carrying ideological servants have no interest in dialogue, diversity, or tolerance. Jack-booted homosexualists demanded that Eich, co-founder of...
Breaking the Power of Federal Tyranny, One Elected Official at a Time
By   |   04.01.14
America’s latest heroine is Robin Bartlett Frazier. She staged her own tea party event last Thursday by tossing an out-of-control federal judge overboard like a trunk of tea by taking a stand for religious liberty. May her tribe increase. Ms....
Hobby Lobby Case Goes to Supreme Court
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.25.14
This week the U.S. Supreme Court hears a critically important religious freedom case. The Court will determine whether Hobby Lobby must provide contraceptive coverage to its employees, which would entail violating the religious beliefs of the company’s owners on a...
Forcing Families to Pay for Other People’s Abortion Pills Isn’t Freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a brief Wednesday that responds to the Obama administration’s defense of its abortion pill mandate in one of two major legal challenges the U.S. Supreme Court will hear on March 25. Alliance Defending Freedom and...
Christians, Please Move to the Back of the Bus
By Tim Wildmon   |   03.11.14
In Portland, Oregon, Melissa Klein was the owner of Sweet Cakes bakery, a small storefront operation. Her husband Aaron helped her. Last year two lesbians walked into the bakery and said they wanted Melissa to make them a wedding cake....
Why the Veto of Arizona’s Religious Freedom Bill is Alarming
As a gay conservative woman, I supported Arizona’s religious freedom bill, which was just vetoed this week by Gov. Jan Brewer. I supported it because it embodied the values every American civil rights movement stood for: the freedom to live our lives without being punished for who we are.
Ridicule Replaces Reason in Religious Liberty Debates
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.06.14
“Swallowing half an hour before closing time that second dose of soma had raised
a quite impenetrable wall between the actual universe and their minds”
(Aldous Huxley, Brave New World). I’ll give it a go once more for the...
An Absolute Right to Refuse Service
By   |   03.05.14
Albert Einstein once said, “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.” He was right. In the aftermath of the Arizona religious freedom skirmish, I have a few questions for those who would presume to compel religious...
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