By Kenna Rose
What is truth? Pilate said those words to Jesus some 2,000 years ago as Christ was headed to the cross, and it’s a question that the world continues to ask today. The answer the culture has arrived at has turned out to be less than satisfactory.

By Brandon Myers
It is easy to claim you stand under God’s truth, but the real test of faithfulness comes when God’s Word is being contradicted and you are called upon to act on the courage of your convictions.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
The marketing of Jesus knows no bounds. I speak of that which I know. Hear me out. In my work history, I was employed by multiple stations that self-identified as “Christian radio.” All along, these stations SHOULD have been saying, “Christian formatted radio.” It might seem like a small distinction, but much that appears under a marketing banner of “Christian” could be easily challenged.

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
Because people do not immediately suffer the just consequences of their evil actions, most will continue in their wickedness! All claims that people are fundamentally good are proven false by this reality.

By Kenna Rose
Public discourse is frequently angry, full of yelling, name-calling, and “gotcha” statements. There’s no love and often little truth in the interaction. Christians are supposed to be different.

By Ecce Verum
A homeschool advocate acquainted with an IFI staff member recently answered over 150 Facebook messages about homeschooling. "It's just blowing up!" the advocate said. "Lots and lots of parents from central and southern IL wanting out." Homeschooling has been around for a few decades now, and it has made significant advances in quality and acceptability over the years, but it usually seems to have been relegated to the academic fringes.

By Thomas Hampson
Despite the seemingly mundane nature of regulations, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Chevron Deference is poised to have a profound impact on our daily lives. This decision will touch each and every one of us, shaping our daily experiences and interactions.

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
I heard of a man who was tired of having gasoline stolen from his garage, so he poured sugar into his gas can and waited. Sure enough, a few days later he heard there was a young man from the neighborhood looking for a new engine. Gasoline engines are not designed to burn sugar!

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Would you agree with this statement: “Patriotism is a hot button issue in schools.” My personal reaction is, “You’re kidding!!” Well, maybe in the late 1700s.

On July 27 [2023],, I went to a forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity, focused on fixing the deep problems in K-12 schooling. I had been asked to come and present my perspective by the organizer of the event, even though he knew I opposed one of the three proposals his organization was supporting.

By Kenna Rose
The titular character in The Picture of Dorian Gray is a charming young man whose beauty is only enhanced by his innocence. Unfortunately, he meets a man named Henry Wotton who introduces Dorian to the idea of hedonism, or living for selfish, sensual pleasures, and sparks in him a fear of losing his youth and beauty.

By Rev. Calvin Lindstrom
God gives to all parents a two-fold charge: We must be faithful with what the Lord has given to us, and we have a duty to teach and encourage the next generation to do the same. This is a great challenge that can only be accomplished by God’s grace. Even so, we do and should ask the question, “How can we best teach and prepare our children?”

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
We are all infected from birth with an insatiable desire to be somebody. Even shyness is but an ironic twist on that desire. The Scriptures call it “the pride of life,” and names it as one of three categories under which all sins fall. Our hunger to be recognized or known colors everything we do.

By E. Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.)
We are now in mid-2017, the 500th anniversary of the epochal and world-changing Reformation. By revisiting the teaching of that era, we can gain a renewed hope for the modern evangelical Church, the rightful heir to that rich theology and history.

By Oliver Perry
In her interview on MSNBC, the Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla said this about Christians who look to God for their rights.