The ACLU’s Sterile View of the First Amendment
By Robert Knight   |   09.17.15
Tie her tubes, or we’ll sue you for sex discrimination, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) told a Catholic-affiliated hospital in California. So after first declining to do so, Mercy Medical Center in Redding has now slated a tubal ligation...
Kim Davis, ‘Lawless’ in Kentucky
Until her release [last week], Kim Davis, the clerk of rural Rowan County, Kentucky, was confined to a jail cell because she refused to issue marriage licenses over her name to same-sex couples. She has been pilloried in the media for “lawlessness” and compared not to Martin Luther King Jr. for her civil disobedience but to Governor George Wallace of Alabama. Michael Keegen of the grossly misnamed People for the American Way called her actions an “abuse of power” and proposed instead that she should “find another line of work” — that is, resign her elected office — if she “can’t in good conscience fulfill [her] duties.”
Is Kim Davis Right to Refuse Marriage Licenses?
Written by Pastor John Piper I don’t know Kim Davis’s heart, so I can’t assess her motives. And I don’t know her theology. It is possible to do right actions for wrong reasons, and so be wrong in doing right....
10 Questions For Rule-of-Law Critics Of Kim Davis
There’s much talk of late about Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. She actually stopped issuing all marriage licenses, to avoid the charge of discrimination. She’s now out of jail, although it’s possible she’ll be sent back.
Judicial Tyranny in Kentucky
When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by the narrowest possible margin that Kentucky’s definition of marriage is unconstitutional, the Court’s decision was qualified by its assurance that religious freedom would not be jeopardized. “The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection,” the Court solemnly intoned on June 26.
Shepard Smith Calls Christians “Haters”
By   |   09.11.15
“Haters are going to hate” is how Shepard Smith of Fox News referred to supporters of Christian clerk Kim Davis on his Tuesday afternoon show. It was another example of the anti-Christian bias that has been rearing its ugly head...
Rod Dreher Predicts Kim Davis Will Usher in a Parade of Horribles
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.10.15
Senior editor of The American Conservative, Rod Dreher, opposes Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis’ act of civil disobedience. As most adults know—with the possible exception of those interviewed on Watters’ World—Kim Davis is refusing to issue marriage licenses with her...
Liberal Journalist Gets Marriage, the Bible, and Kim Davis Wrong
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.09.15
If Chicago Tribune columnist and arch-defender of all things sexually deviant, Rex Huppke, had the humility to know that he doesn’t understand the Bible, he might refrain from using it foolishly to mock Christians. In a column last week, he...
Needed: A Million More Like Kim Davis
By   |   09.08.15
For the first time in American history a woman has been imprisoned by the government for merely exercising her Christian faith. War has been declared on Christ and His followers. And there’s no turning back. Anti-Christian persecution is the civil...
Even Four Out of Five Atheists Agree
By Micah Clark   |   09.05.15
There is yet another recent poll finding significant public support for the protection of religious liberty—especially when special rights based on homosexuality are being pushed at the expense of religious freedom. Most Americans still appear to want a high degree...
In Which I Paint With Some Bright Yellows
By   |   09.04.15
A consensus appears to be developing among otherwise reasonable people that Kim Davis, of Rowan County fame, either needs to start issuing marriage licenses or quit her job. For those just joining us, a county clerk in Kentucky is refusing...
Justified Civil Disobedience and Civil Servant Kim Davis
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.04.15
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said “Every public official in our democracy is subject to the rule of law. No one is above the law. That applies to the president of the United States and that applies to the...
Statement on Conversion Therapy Ban
Mauck & Baker is a well-respected Chicago law firm committed to protecting religious liberty through the application of biblical principles. In the service of this commitment, they have issued a statement regarding Republican Governor Bruce Rauner’s deeply troubling abandonment of...
The Gay “Marriage” Gauntlet:  Time to Choose
By   |   08.20.15
Welcome to America 2015, where evil is good, men are women, judges are tyrants, and Christians are persona non grata. There is no more in between: it's either God or man.
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