Feds Give Child Porn Buyers a Pass
WorldNetDaily.com A new report documents how the federal government, busy suing Arizona for upholding national law regarding illegal aliens, has ignored all but a handful of documented cases of the purchase of child pornography by workers at the Department of...
Obscenity — More Prevalent Than Ever
By David E. Smith   |   08.13.09
The pornography industry, which experienced huge growth during the 1990s — thanks in large part to the lack of prosecution by the federal Department of Justice — is suffering large losses during the most recent recession. A growing abundance of...
Knights of Columbus Resolve to Oppose Porn
By   |   08.13.09
The Knights of Columbus have taken a stand against the porn industry, calling on law enforcement to vigorously prosecute illegal pornography, encouraging the entertainment industry to help halt the steady erosion of public standards of decency and calling on all...
Porn Industry Hit With 16 Confirmed HIV Cases
By Associated Press –Fox News Los Angeles County health officials say there have been 16 previously unpublicized confirmed cases of HIV in adult film industry performers since 2004 when an outbreak shut down porn production for a month. The county...
‘Sexting’ – Innocent Behavior or Child Porn?
By   |   06.05.09
An associate professor at York University in Toronto believes “sexting” — youngsters sending nude photos of themselves via cell phone — is not child pornography, and senders shouldn’t be prosecuted. Professor Peter Cumming presented a paper at the 78th Congress...
Computer Porn and Men
By Gerald Korson –Fathers For Good A growing problem that calls for serious solutions Henry seemed to have it all – a good marriage, four young children, and a solid middle-management position with a financial corporation. He and his family...
Microsoft’s New Search Engine Puts Porn in Motion
By Joseph Abrams –FoxNews.com Your kids may get a bang out of Bing – and that’s not a good thing, Internet safety experts warned on Monday. Bing, Microsoft’s new search engine (www.bing.com), went live in the U.S. this weekend, aiming...
Prostitution, Porn Linked to Human Trafficking
By Joe Matyas –London Free Press Some Canadians have their “moral compasses screwed up” on the issues of pornography and prostitution, an RCMP officer who monitors human trafficking said in London yesterday. If you use prostitutes or buy pornography, “you’re...
Girls on Our Streets
By Nicholas D. Kristof –NewYorkTimes.com Jasmine Caldwell was 14 and selling sex on the streets when an opportunity arose to escape her pimp: an undercover policeman picked her up. The cop could have rescued her from the pimp, who ran...
Children Who View Adult-Targeted TV May Become Sexually Active Earlier in Life
by Childrens Hospital Boston Longitudinal study tracked content viewed during childhood and adolescence Early onset of sexual activity among teens may relate to the amount of adult content children were exposed to during their childhood, according to a new study...
Supreme Court Finds in Favor of FCC in Profanity Case
by –ParentsTV.org   Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in FCC v. Fox.The Court found in favor of the Federal Communications Commission, stating that the FCC acted properly in citing the Fox network for airing the f- and...
Porn Lessons
By Gail Dines –Baltimore Sun Showing adult films on campus debases both men and women So the porn industry is now in the business of educating our youth. A spokesman for Digital Playground expressed disappointment with the cancellation of a...
Retired Agent Calls for Harsher Porn Penalties
By James Gilbert, Sun Staff Writer A retired FBI agent who specialized in obscenity and sexual crimes against children for 23 years while with the bureau, said the investigation and prosecution of illegal adult pornography in many instances could reduce...
Will Supreme Court Hear Super Bowl ‘Striptease’ Case?
By Allie Martin –OneNewsNow The Parents Television Council (PTC) says the U.S. Supreme Court should hear the Janet Jackson broadcast decency case to maintain the integrity of the broadcast decency law. Last summer, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals...
Appeals Court Upholds Porn Law Protecting Children
by Lawrence Jones, Christian Post Reporter –ChristianPost.com A federal appeals court on Friday upheld a law that requires pornographers who take photos of people engaged in sexually explicit acts to provide “proof of age,” a ruling that strengthens prevention on...
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