The Numbers Don’t Lie: Babies are Blessings for Everyone
By   |   12.27.13
$217,000 is a large chunk of change. You could buy a mining ghost town in California, a new Bentley, or the designer wedding dress of Princess Marie-Chantal for that amount of money. $217,000 also happens to be the net financial...
The Devastating Effects of Egg Donation
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.03.13
In my recent article on the effects of same-sex “marriage,” I mentioned Alana Newman, a young woman who was the product of an anonymous sperm donation. She is the founder of the Anonymous Us Project, the goal of which is...
‘Game changer’: study finds increased risk of breast cancer after abortion in Chinese women
Pro-abortion advocates have relentlessly denied a link between abortion and breast cancer, but a new study has emerged from China that seems to show that such a link not only exists, but that the risk rises with each abortion a woman has.
Their Abortions — What Do These Abortion Testimonies Really Reveal?
By   |   11.16.13
A signal event in America’s long trial over the tragedy of abortion occurred this week with the publication of a cover story in New York magazine that was simply titled, “My Abortion.” As the cover advertises, the article features “twenty-six...
HHS Mandate Loses Again, Obama Admin Cannot Force Family Business to Comply
By   |   11.13.13
The HHS mandate that is a part of Obamacare was dealt another blow on Friday, as a federal appeals court ruled the Obama administration cannot force a family-run business in Illinois to comply with it and pay for birth control...
Open Response to: “Overpopulation: Should America Have a One-Child Policy?
Last Tuesday, the Washington Times published an article by Joseph Cotto entitled, “Overpopulation: Should America have a one-child policy?” Despite the provocative title, the article does not present a stimulating thought-experiment, but rather a series of half-truths and inconsistencies with dangerous implications.
The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Pro-Abortion Movement
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.10.13
In the wake of a rising tide of pro-life sentiments and sensibilities in America, the utter bankruptcy of the pro-abortion position is being revealed, especially in its more militant forms. The pro-abortion side is now faced with:
  • The beautiful reality
Common Sense Abortion Measures Protect Women
By   |   08.09.13
Aside from killing a child, abortion carries life-long consequences. I am guilty of being too focused on the unborn and forgetting the scars a woman will carry as a result of abortion. In no way am I diminishing the loss...
Who Would Celebrate a “Royal Abortion”?
Moral equivalence is an article of faith for activists of the secular left, with their insistence that a baby is no better than an abortion, or that traditional marriage is no more consequential than a same sex union.
‘Hail Satan!’:  The New ‘Pro-Choice’ Mantra
By   |   07.13.13
In the war between life and death, all eyes are on Texas as the Lone Star State legislature is poised to pass a sweeping late-term abortion ban. Gov. Rick Perry has pledged to sign the bill into law. The lines...
Hope for the Preborn
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.12.13
It’s been a revolting year on the fetal front. Recently, pro-abortion activists chanting “Hail Satan” in the Texas State house worked feverishly to protect the ghastly legal right of women to kill their preborn babies even after these babies can...
Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act Wins in Court!
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.11.13
Today the Illinois Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 is constitutional and, therefore, must take effect. Finally, after almost 18 years of legal obstacles thrown in the path of this reasonable law...
Super Bowl Champ Rejects White House Invitation
By David E. Smith   |   06.15.13
Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman Matt Birk declined a recent invitation to the White House in order to make a very pointed statement about the abortion issue. Birk and his fellow teammates had been invited to the White House to meet...
Mr. President, “Me Thinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much”
By Micah Clark   |   06.14.13
Though I am not too familiar with Hamlet, that Shakespeare quote sure fits this Administration when it comes to its brief and feeble effort to protect children and parental rights.  President Barack Obama has instructed his Justice Department to drop...
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