Liberal Like Me
By   |   08.14.15
The next video is up. No graphic images this time — just more chilling testimony. I have been saying that one of our central tasks in the unfolding Planned Parenthood mess is to make defenders of the indefensible try to...
State Rep. Peter Breen Pushes to End Trafficking of Aborted Fetal Body Parts and Tissue
In response to controversial videos that have surfaced surrounding the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts and tissue, State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) has filed legislation to amend and clarify the Illinois Anatomical Gift Act as it relates...
Planned Parenthood Bakes Baby Parts into Its Nauseating Fiscal Cake
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.05.15
In the macabre, perverse universe in which Planned Parenthood doctors and administrators live and move and have their baby-devouring being, euphemistic language is essential. Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast refers to her contribution to “the...
The Hidden Politics of Abortion: Genetic Modification
For all the concern expressed over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, we still don’t see the forest for the trees in one major area: that abortion is part of a dangerous global picture—the selective genetic engineering of human beings.
This is Your Nuremberg, Planned Parenthood
By   |   08.03.15
Nazi monster Dr. Josef Mengele is known to have ordered the murder of over 400,000 Jews at Auschwitz from 1943 to 1945. Thousands more he kept alive and mercilessly tortured to death during experiments intended to create an Aryan super-race....
A Federal Opportunity to Defund Planned Parenthood
By David E. Smith   |   08.01.15
In the wake of yet another video linking Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, to the sale of organs from aborted babies, lawmakers in the U.S. Senate are planning to vote to defund the inhumane organization that profits from...
Illinois House Resolution Calls for Planned Parenthood Investigation
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.31.15
As a result of three videos from the Center for Medical Progress that have exposed the dark, sickening underbelly of Planned Parenthood, 31 Republicans and 1 Democrat have filed a resolution (HR 671) urging “the Illinois Department of...
Planned Parenthood Admissions: It’s a Baby and It’s a Boy
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.31.15
Six weeks ago, I was privileged to be in the delivery room when my seventh grandchild was born. The only response to the doctor’s words “It’s a boy” were tears of ineffable joy. This morning I heard those same words ...
Vulnerable GOP Senator Opposes Defunding Planned Parenthood
By Peter Sullivan Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) on Wednesday indicated he’ll oppose a bill backed by Republican leadership to defund Planned Parenthood. Kirk is up for reelection next year and is a top Democratic target. “In other states tissue donation...
The Meaning of Life
By   |   07.27.15
I suppose it’s a bit more of an anecdote than a commentary. Twenty-two years ago and it seems like last week. Isn’t that something old farts say? The aftermath from the previous night’s whirlwind revelry had become all too familiar....
Screwtape and Wormwood Discuss Baby Parts and Lamborghinis
Dear Uncle Screwtape, I’m afraid the gig is up. My patient knows we are dealing in human babies now.
Pro-Life Leaders Say Planned Parenthood Openly ‘Targets’ Black Community
Following allegations that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetal body parts for profit, black pro-life leaders are calling to defund the organization and address what they call “targeting” of their community.
Second Shocking Video of Another Planned Parenthood Abortionist
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.22.15
The second secretly-recorded Planned Parenthood video is out, and like the first, it reveals that Planned Parenthood is staffed by Josef Mengele wannabe’s. In this mindboggling video, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors Council, negotiates compensation for...
Bringing the Faces of Abortion to the Public
By Monte Larrick   |   07.22.15
Amidst new revelations of Planned Parenthood's selling baby organs, Eric Scheidler and the Pro-Life Action League are bringing the truth of abortion to the streets of Chicagoland with the Face the Truth tour.
IFI Banquet Speaker Discusses Secret Recording of Planned Parenthood Abortionist
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.21.15
Pastor Douglas Wilson, one of IFI’s September Banquet speakers, has written an enormously helpful defense of the secret recording of the Planned Parenthood abortionist’s description of carefully crushing preborn baby bodies so as not to damage the merchandise, also known...
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