Why Family Matters, And Why Traditional Families Are Still Best
It’s been a good month for champions of the traditional family, but don’t expect the family wars to be ending any time soon. In recent weeks, a barrage of new evidence has come to light demonstrating what was once common sense. “Family structure matters” (in the words of my American Enterprise Institute colleague Brad Wilcox, who is also the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia).
Dear Planned Parenthood: Stopping Illegal Profiteering From Baby Body Parts Does Not Erase Past Profiteering
By   |   10.31.15
To recap, undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress have revealed Planned Parenthood’s potential involvement in four illegal activities: 1) selling baby body parts for profit; 2) manipulating abortion procedures to secure the choicest and most intact baby body...
Planned Parenthood’s Adorable Aborted Baby Hearts
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.28.15
The Center for Medical Progress just released another undercover video exposé of a Planned Parenthood affiliate, this one in Austin, Texas. Dr. Amna Dermish, the sole abortionist at this Planned Parenthood abattoir, performs over 3,000 abortions per year on babies...
Planned Parenthood can be replaced: Health clinics outnumber them 20 to 1
Planned Parenthood claims to represent the welfare and interests of women, but how do the facts and figures add up? Live Action created some helpful graphics to illustrate the fact that most Americans do not depend on Planned Parenthood.
ACLU Uses Hard Cases to Bully Catholic Hospitals
By Robert Knight   |   10.24.15
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is ramping up its campaign to use the courts to force all Catholic hospitals to provide abortions and sterilizations. The strategy is clear: Use the anecdotal exception to destroy the general rule. In the...
Evil Spawn of Anti-Life Dogma: “Post-Birth Abortion”
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.22.15
A troubling video has emerged in which a college student was asked if it should be morally permissible for an impoverished family to kill their 2-year-old or 5-year-old if doing so would improve the family’s condition. He answered that if...
Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards Met with Protests in Chicago
By Monte Larrick   |   10.20.15
Fresh from her testimony before Congress on Planned Parenthood's scandalous practice of trafficking in aborted baby body parts, pro-lifers gathered to protest the CEO's presence at the Chicago Idea's Week at the Cadillac Theater.
Stand Up To Planned Parenthood!
By David E. Smith   |   10.20.15
When Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards testified before Congress last month, she asserted that abortions represent only 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood. However, when questioned further about a funding discrepancy by U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Richards admitted that not 3%, but 86 percent of Planned Parenthood's revenue comes from abortions!
SCOTUS has Finally Settled this Issue
By Micah Clark   |   10.17.15
You may have heard some in the media say that the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage has finally settled the divisive issue of marriage. The courts have now determined that both genders are no longer necessary in...
Russell Moore: Churches That Don’t Speak Against Abortion Are Like 19th Century Congregations That Stayed Silent on Slavery
Christian ethicist Russell Moore has said that congregations too afraid of being political to speak out against acts of immorality, like abortion, are similar to churches in the 1800s that remained silent on the issue of slavery. As the featured speaker at the Institute on Religion and Democracy's fifth annual Diane Knippers memorial lecture, Moore, the president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, criticized mainstream Christian congregations that have relaxed their teachings on key issues of sexual morality and other social issues in order to blend in with the "ambient culture" and appeal to today's society.
Weary of New Legislation, Illinois Pro-Lifers Celebrate Adoption
By Monte Larrick   |   10.14.15
Pro-Lifers are rallying against pieces of legislation that will lift the ban on tax-payer funding of abortion and another bill that will force pro-life healthcare professionals to refer patients to abortionists. Leaders are expressing the need for greater efforts to...
Governor Rauner Needs to Hear From Us Loud and Clear!!!
By David E. Smith   |   10.11.15
The Center for Medical Progress has video documentation of the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood who are selling the body parts of aborted children to research companies for profit.  The videos can be viewed at www.centerformedicalprogress.org The callous and barbaric...
Global Experience Shows that Physician-Assisted Suicide Threatens the Weak and Marginalized
Allowing physician-assisted suicide (PAS) would be a grave mistake for four reasons, as explained in a Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, “Always Care, Never Kill.”[1] First, it would endanger the weak and vulnerable. Second, it would corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship. Third, it would compromise the family and intergenerational commitments. And fourth, it would betray human dignity and equality before the law. Instead of helping people to kill themselves, we should offer them appropriate medical care and human presence.
In Wake of Planned Parenthood Scandal, the Pro-Life Movement goes on the Offense
By Monte Larrick   |   10.06.15
With mounting evidence of Planned Parenthood selling human baby parts for profit, new Pro-Life legislation is being introduced in the Illinois General Assembly. Grass roots efforts are also underway to put pressure on the abortion industry through protests and prayer....
Jericho Prayer March in Springfield
On Saturday, October 24th there will be a Pro-Life Rally and Jericho March at the Illinois Governor’s mansion in Springfield. Illinois Family Institute in cooperation with the Christian Emergency League is calling for Pro-Life Illinoisans to rally at 410 E. Jackson St. from 11 AM until Noon to pray and recite scripture, to sing hope into the darkness, and to call on the Lord’s blessing as we answer His call to “rescue the weak and the needy, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
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