Adulterers, ‘Your Sin Will Find You Out’
By   |   08.24.15
“Judge not, lest ye be judged” is among the most frequently-uttered passages in the Bible, particularly by those who wish to shut down any discussion on some objectively immoral behavior. Even so, this opening verse from Matthew 7:1-3 is also...
Taradiddler Diana Rauner and Her LGBTQ-Allied Activist Hubby
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.21.15
Governor Bruce Rauner lied—or perhaps more precisely his wife, helpmeet, and mouthpiece, Diana Rauner, lied for him. In a campaign ad, Mrs. Rauner stated with a Cheshire grin and a long nose that “Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda.” Oh...
The Gay “Marriage” Gauntlet:  Time to Choose
By   |   08.20.15
Welcome to America 2015, where evil is good, men are women, judges are tyrants, and Christians are persona non grata. There is no more in between: it's either God or man.
Urge Governor Rauner to Veto Deceitful, Vague, Anti-Autonomy Bill
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.18.15
The politically expedient title of the anti-autonomy, anti-choice bill (HB 217) sitting on Governor Bruce Rauner’s desk points to its nebulous, overbroad, and deceitful content. It’s titled the “Youth Mental Health Protection Act.” I mean, who isn’t for “youth mental...
Parents of Public School Students: Act Preemptively
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.13.15
Those parents whose children are enrolled in public schools have a moral obligation to protect the hearts and minds of their children from the propaganda to which increasing numbers of public school pseudo-educators are exposing children on the interrelated issues...
Men, Fornication is for Cowards
By   |   08.10.15
I had an interesting heart-to-heart with my dad the other day. We were discussing my son, his grandson, who was spending time with my folks in Colorado over the summer. At the risk of bragging a bit – my boy,...
Chicago Taxpayers to Pay for Sex Reassignment Surgery
By David E. Smith   |   08.08.15
Continuing to advance a progressive socialist agenda, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel proudly announced this week that taxpayers in the City will be required to contribute to the funding of a new so-called “health” benefit: sex reassignment surgery. It is difficult...
University Asks Students to Pick from Six Genders
By John Fund It’s hard to keep up with the Gods of Political Correctness. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been familiar with sexual-diversity issues from an early age. But just when I had mastered...
Same Sex Marriage & SCOTUS Letter
This is a letter written by a local pastor regarding Same Sex Marriage & SCOTUS.
Since there are some who think “silence gives consent” I would like to voice my opposition to the ruling of SCOTUS on the issue of...
Governing Against the Will of the People
By Micah Clark   |   07.29.15
Last week I mentioned how the perception advanced by the media is that most Americans support the unraveling of marriage (because the media supports this).  In their minds, the U.S. Supreme Court simply settled it on the majority opinion side. ...
Call Governor Rauner Today!
By Kathy Valente   |   07.28.15
As of this writing, Governor Bruce Rauner has not yet taken action on HB 217, the bill that seeks to prohibit minors from receiving any counseling that involves efforts to change homoerotic desire, homoerotic activity, gender-confused feelings, and behaviors impelled...
New Polling Finds Most Americans Oppose Marriage Ruling
By Micah Clark   |   07.23.15
The results of a new national poll won’t likely appear in your local newspaper or mainstream media outlets.   Even though the Associated Press conducted the poll, their results don’t fit the media’s narrative and celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s...
A Tale of Two SCOTUS Decisions
The two major decisions recently handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court have very direct relationships to public opinion. One of the decisions fits well with majority public opinion. The other, in a broad sense, does not. The first corresponds to public opinion that has shifted significantly over the past several years, while the second relates to public opinion that has been more fixed.
The Military’s Latest Transaction
When the President said he wanted to make over the military, lifting the ban on transgenders isn’t what most people had in mind. With less than 18 months left in his mission of “fundamentally transforming America” President Obama is accelerating the effort to repeal the ban stopping men and women suffering from gender confusion from serving in the military.
Why MLK Would Have Opposed ‘Gay Marriage’
By   |   07.13.15
Ever notice how the secular left conveniently omits the fact that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a devout Christian minister? While, historically, there have certainly been apostate “Christians” who, in the name of Christ, have abused and taken out...
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