How LGBTQ+ Activism Has Negatively Impacted the Church
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   06.16.22
American culture has changed dramatically in the last thirty years. Before that time, Christianity was generally respected by the society while homosexuality was disdained. Today, the tables have turned to the point that almost anything LGBTQ+ is celebrated while the Church is largely denigrated. In short, if gay is good, the Church is bad. This is another reason why many have left the Church, especially among the younger generation.
Fox News Airs Story that Celebrates “Trans”-Cultic Experimentation on Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.15.22
I guess Fox News hasn’t learned any lessons from CNN’s self-inflicted wounds and rapid descent into ratings hell, the chief interrelated lessons of which are 1. don’t promote lies as truth, and 2. don’t promote evil as good. Fox News...
It Turns Out Transgender Ideology Is Pretty Unpopular
A study released earlier this year found that 43 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 65 say that children and teens with gender dysphoria should not be subjected to puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and so-called “sex reassignment” surgery. However, a more recent study asked a slightly different question. This study asked if people believed that transgenderism is a healthy condition and whether they were willing to say so publicly.
Christian Publishing Company Bought Out by Satan
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.09.22
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, the well-known 108-year-old Christian publishing company, continues its slide into heterodoxy by celebrating June “pride” month. On June 3, 2022, in a post on Eerdmans’ blog, the company recommended not one, not two, but six books for Christians to read in honor of “Pride Month” (rainbow colors seen here are Eerdmans/Satan’s—not God’s or mine).
By Kathy Valente   |   06.04.22
A recent Gallop poll found that 7.1 percent of Americans now identify as LGBTQ. This is a 100 percent increase since 2012 and a 26 percent increase over 2021!

If you think that is bad, the news gets much worse...
Finally, a Sports Association Commits to Fairness
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.03.22
The infamous William “Will” Thomas, who now pretends to be a woman and goes by the name of “Lia,” has had a long-time goal of swimming in the Olympics—a goal thwarted by the fact that he is not fast enough. A little thing like insufficient speed, however, is no obstacle for a man who thinks he can become a woman by wishing really hard. Superstitions die hard, especially in a science-denying culture that worships the self and believes fentanyl use is “empowerment.” So, Thomas soldiers on wearing womanface and a woman’s speedo covering his man parts, hoping to make Olympic trials in 2024.
Not Wanting to Speak of Gender Confusion
By Micah Clark   |   05.27.22
Summit Ministries, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates—one of America’s most respected polling survey firms—released the results of a recent national survey regarding sexuality. Results were from a survey of 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide and was conducted April 22nd through April 26th. Unsurprisingly, a majority of respondents believe transgenderism is not a healthy human condition and oppose teaching sexual based curriculum in elementary schools.
Colorado School Employees Conspire to Change a Conservative Community
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.20.22
In May of 2021, Wellington, Colorado art and homeroom teacher Jenna Riep invited a 12-year-old girl who was new to the school to attend an afterschool art club. The girl asked for and was given permission to attend the club from her mother. But the artful dodger Jenna Riep had misrepresented the afterschool club meeting. In other words, Riep had lied to the student. It was not an afterschool art club, and the meeting had nothing to do with art. It was a meeting of the school’s “Genders and Sexuality Alliances” (GSA) club, and the guest speaker was lesbian Kimberly Chambers, who identifies as an “educator, activist, and queer woman.”
Leftists “Transing” Other People’s Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.13.22
Cinco de Mayo was ruined at Robert Abbott Middle School in Waukegan, Illinois, the most God-forsaken state in the Midwest. It was ruined by the administration allowing the school’s openly homosexual “administrative assistant” who moonlights as a drag performer, Alfredo Isaac Zires, to sashay through the school in drag with another drag queen. What made the grotesque and inappropriate spectacle even worse was the cheering and applause from children, parents, and staff as the 39-year-old Zires strutted his stuff.
As Parents Resisted Transgender Push, Teacher Suggested Sending in Child Services
By Alex Newman   |   05.12.22
If Erin Lee had known what her 12-year-old daughter would be exposed to during an afterschool “art club” last May, she would have never allowed her to go. It began innocently enough. Lee received a text from her daughter asking if she could stay late for an “art club” at Wellington Middle School near Fort Collins, Colorado.

What happened next, though, would change their lives forever.
It’s All Downhill When Fetish Becomes Identity
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.05.22
You know that notorious slippery slope that sexual anarchists mockingly dismiss as a figment of conservatives’ hysterical imaginations? Surely you remember when conservatives argued that public approval of homoeroticism would lead ineluctably to public approval of other forms of sexual deviance. Well, here we are slip-slidin’ down that phantasmagorical slope all greased up with deviant sexuality.
More Dubious Decisions by Wheaton College
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.29.22
It looks like the theological degeneration of Wheaton College continues apace. On April 27, 2022, Wheaton College held a speaking event at which visiting scholar Professor Jayachitra Lalitha, associate professor of New Testament at Tamilnadu Theological Seminary in Madurai, South India and dean of the women's studies department, discussed the arcane topic and subject of the book she is writing, “Mary Magdalene, the Ascetic Mystic: Gender Sexuality Conundrums.”
Is Christianity  Under Attack in America?
By   |   04.26.22
To some extent, we are all familiar with the persecution of Christians around the world. The first places that come to mind are countries in the Middle East, maybe even the oppression inn China in recent years. But barely anyone would suggest that it is going on in places like Canada or the United States, right? I want to preface this with saying that I am not underplaying Christian suffering in places where the persecution is harsh and severe, nor am I saying that we have it worse in America. In fact, we are beyond blessed to be living in America where we are able to freely practice our religion and faith.
Tomorrow Schools Promote Sexual Disorderedness (and Racism)
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.21.22
Spring is here and the purportedly silenced “LGBTQQAP” students are once again hijacking instructional time in middle and high schools for their political stunt called the Day of Silence (DOS), which this year takes place tomorrow, April 22, 2022. On this day, students are urged to refuse to speak all day, including during instructional time.
“The Mind Polluters” Coming to Barrington and Channahon
By Kathy Valente   |   04.18.22
A powerful investigative documentary film about the graphic Comprehensive Sex Ed and Social Emotional Learning being forced on children of all ages through the public education system will be shown at three locations.  The Mind Polluters exposes the dark realities...
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