By Thomas Hampson
Progressive Democrats Will Guzzardi, Kelly Cassidy, and Theresa Mah introduced House Bill 3518 on February 7, 2025. The 168-page bill, titled “Keeping Sex Workers Safe Act,” would legalize prostitution in this state, returning us to the late 19th and early 20th century standards. What would that look like?

By Thomas Hampson
On Tuesday, March 11th, State Representative Kelly Cassidy stood on the floor of the Illinois House to denounce Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Illinois Republican legislators who had spoken out against biological boys in girls' sports. In her generalized and dramatized denunciation, Cassidy makes some wild accusations about those who want to protect kids from trans ideology.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Charlie Kirk, an American conservative activist, and founder of Turning Point USA, recently sat down with Gavin Newsom, the left-wing Democrat Governor of California. Newsome now claims that he believes that men in women's sports is "unfair." Do you believe him?

By Bill Muehlenberg
The evidence for the war on sex in general and masculinity in particular is all around us. I won’t even hazard a guess as to how many pieces I have penned on these matters. The trans revolution is simply one of the most recent manifestations of all this.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
A while back, in the first decade of this century, Moody Publishers offered a prayer journal notebook by E.M. Bounds. This Methodist minister died in 1913. During the 70-plus years of his life, he wrote several books on prayer. One of his classics is titled Power Through Prayer.

By David E. Smith
Back in May 2024, we warned our readers in an email alert about the fact that some state lawmakers were preparing to push legislation to legalize prostitution in the Land of Lincoln. Equality Illinois, the state's largest LGBTQ+ lobbying organization based in Chicago, is one of those groups who hopes not only to pass this proposal...

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
For years, the Colson Center has been dedicated to not just encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus, but also challenging Christians to use the lens of Scripture to comprehend all of life.

By Kenna Rose
Personal autonomy is not a great moral standard, but culture treats it like it is. Although not a new idea, its increasing prevalence and the rate at which it is being used to make moral decisions brings it into the spotlight.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Over the past two years, heavy pushback has worked against “Pride” and “woke” agendas implemented by a variety of companies. Among these companies are Walmart, Ford, Harley-Davidson, Toyota, and more who are all taking steps back from their DEI initiatives and LGBTQ+ support.

By Thomas Hampson
Did you know that the Biden Administration aggressively fought to keep obscene materials in school libraries against the efforts of parents to remove them? I didn’t. I had no idea and I’ve tried to keep up on these issues.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
President Trump recently signed an executive order that prohibits federal funding from going to K-12 public schools teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) or gender issues.

By David E. Smith
On Tuesday, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to ban all federal support for so-called "gender-affirming" medical experiments on children and teenagers under the age of 19. These sex change "treatments" are nothing short of child abuse.

By Thomas Hampson
Thomas Sowell often says that “there are no solutions, only trade-offs.” What he means by that is that there is no perfect solution to any problem. There are always negative consequences to one degree or another. Greater safety means less freedom. Greater transparency means less privacy. Greater knowledge shatters innocence.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
On September 26th, my husband and I found out that we were expecting our first baby and on January 4th, we found out we are having a girl! For any first-time parents, this life-changing news is both exciting and overwhelming. It’s exciting because we are going to be parents yet overwhelming because of how many questions there are regarding parenting and the plethora of resources to go through.

By David E. Smith
A few hours after taking the oath of office, President Donald Trump signed an executive order officially requiring federal agencies to recognize that there are only two sexes, male and female...