Christianity and Fatalism
By Ecce Verum   |   07.07.23
In articles like these, I, and other writers, tend to focus on the alarming decay of the Christian worldview and value system in the United States. And, since the enemy's attacks on our culture truly are alarming, we are indeed making good use of our time in exposing them. However, it's also important to step back and consider just how much Christianity has influenced—and still persists in influencing—our culture. We still have many blessings to thank the Lord for, and there is still much to defend.
The Not-So-Shiny Folks
In my basement sits a large, three ring binder. The contents are the handouts provided during a week long "Christian discipleship" course I attended in May of 1970. At the time, it was known as the "Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts." All the sessions were designed and taught by one Bill Gothard.
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.04.23
Kings and others have used the Bible and assumptions based upon narratives in it to support the divine right of monarchs, but their arguments were weak. History is largely the story of governments coming and going, kings and rulers rising and falling. It is a rather bleak narrative and is not complimentary to humanity. It begs the question, “Does the Bible address human government?”
PETA Rewrites the Bible
By David Lovi   |   07.03.23
In perhaps the most ridiculous use of Artificial Intelligence thus far, the P.E.T.A. organization (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) has decided to do a “Vegan Rewrite” of the Biblical book of Genesis. While this may seem like satire, I assure you this is not a “Babylon Bee” article.
Wokism: The Tedious Task of Explaining Nonsense
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.01.23
Anyone who loves God, cares for the truth, cherishes children, appreciates freedom, and desires better racial relationships in America understands that Wokism is decidedly not the answer. Can you, or rather, should you come to terms with such irrational and harmful thinking? Woke ideology is founded on lies. In a nutshell, it declares that whatever we say or believe is somehow “true” and whatever we want is “good,” and not to be denied. It is paganism and arrogance all rolled up in an untidy package, attempting once again to whitewash mankind’s sin.
California Redefining Fertility?
By Ecce Verum   |   06.30.23
California is currently in the process of passing a bill that redefines what it means to be fertile. SB 729, approved by the California Senate late last month and now on its way to the Assembly, expands insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization to cover those who fall under their new definition of infertility. And who, you might ask, falls under this definition? Literally everyone.
Christian Emergency League Interviews Trevor Myers<br>(The Orchard EFC Issue Part 4)
By Brandon Myers   |   06.30.23
The forth CEL interview highlights an insider’s view-- the story of former Orchard EFC member Trevor Myers. Specifically, Trevor shares how he--a previously committed Orchard EFC member with no intention of he and his family leaving the church eventually did leave. Trevor was well known and well loved by many at The Orchard and here he describes how he went about prayerfully and respectfully addressing these grave matter while an Orchard EFC member.
Pride Month
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.30.23
Why is there so much enthusiasm by so many people to celebrate non-heterosexual sexuality? For a whole month? It was June 11, 1999 that President Clinton proclaimed June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” President Obama changed it to “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month” on May 31, 2011. Why do we even have it? Why are certain groups selected to have a day or a month dedicated to their recognition, celebration, honor, or just acknowledgment?
Why June Bugs Me
Thank goodness it’s over. June. Formerly known as the start of summer, it’s been the time for vacations, picnics, baseball, and beaches. Often, the beginning of air conditioning season. Then came “Pride Month.”
The Orchard Evangelical Free Church Issue (Part 3)
By Brandon Myers   |   06.27.23
After many months of prayerful, private correspondences with leaders of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (see the first article and video for more details here), a group of concerned Chicagoland pastors (who wished to keep this matter private) shared with The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (EFC) that due to the Orchard EFC leader’s unwillingness to meet and address these grievous concerns privately a more public approach would be pursued.
Christians Are Called to Humility, Not Pride
By David E. Smith   |   06.26.23
While the world wants to celebrate and extol “pride” this month, God's Word calls us to humility. In fact, we are warned against self-righteous and conceited pride.
An Increase In Despair Among Homosexuals?
By David Lovi   |   06.24.23
The federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently released its report on the behavioral health of “lesbian, gay, and bisexual” adults. In it they admit that those who identify as LGBTQ “are more likely than straight adults to use substances, experience mental health conditions including major depressive episodes, and experience serious thoughts of suicide.” Unfortunately, the authors of this report blame stress "caused by stigma, discrimination and harassment..." and ignore how engaging in unnatural, sinful sexual activities play a significant part in this mental health problem.
Dude Perfect and Its Encouraging Stance
By Kenna Rose   |   06.23.23
In a world where bad news in reporting is the norm, a single piece of good news can feel like a rainstorm in the desert. I recently came across an encouraging piece of news in the form of a YouTube channel called Dude Perfect, and it’s good timing for parents with the disappointing news about Mr. Beast.
Womb for Compromise? (Part 2)
If a woman decides to abort her child, but chooses to put the child up for adoption using an artificial womb, does that make it a pro-life decision? A challenging question to be sure. The very kind of issue that...
Rapper Targets Target for Targeting Kids
By Ecce Verum   |   06.21.23
Politicians and government officials have debated about LGBT issues for quite some time now. Decades in fact. Bathroom and locker-room laws, "don't-ask-don't-tell" in the armed services, and whether or not to apply anti-discrimination laws to sexual orientation have all flashed across the national stage at various points in time. The decisions politicians and judges have made in situations like these have had far-reaching consequences for our nation.
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