Tag Archives: Rush Limbaugh
The Constitution – Worth Celebrating, Not Trashing
Freak Out as Conservatives Exit Public Schools
Alliance Seeks to Rescue Illinois Children from Indoctrination
Trump & Limbaugh Blast Public Schools for Destroying US
SJW Feeding Frenzy: Lesbian Actress Not Lesbian Enough to Play Batwoman
‘Net Neutrality’ in Illinois: Just One More Leftist Act of Deception
Last year the Federal Communications Commission overturned the Obama-era policy (referred to as “net neutraliy”) that “had placed Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon under the strictest-ever regulatory oversight.”
The “net neutrality” debate has gone for several years but is now back in the news as a state rather than a federal issue. Last year, the attorneys general from over twenty states, including Illinois, sued to overturn the FCC’s action. Now legislation has been introduced in Springfield to apply “net neutrality” principles to Internet service providers that operate in Illinois.
The Illinois Family Institute occasionally addresses things that seem …
Indecent Exposure: The ‘Gender Identity’ Agenda
“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.”
This was the slogan of George Orwell’s fictional English Socialist Party (INGSOC) of Oceania, from his timeless dystopian novel “1984.”
Orwell depicted a mind-control technique employed by INGSOC called “doublethink,” which “describes the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts.”
If the malleable masses could be made to believe self-contradictory, patently absurd and empirically impossible concepts as true, went Orwell’s thesis, they could then be made to believe, or do, anything.
We have entered an age that George Orwell might never have imagined. …
Rush Limbaugh, the Drag Queen & the Judge
What one subject could possibly bring together radio host Rush Limbaugh, drag queen Ru Paul, and Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia?
It is the “T” word in the LGBTQ acronym, “transgender,” now hailed by Time Magazine as the new civil rights frontier.
And for Rush and Ru, it is the “tranny” word in particular that brings them together.
Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.
Before broaching this topic, however, it’s important to remember that many people do suffer terribly because of gender identity issues, sometimes to the point of suicide, and as I’ve said many times before, whatever we …