Tag Archives: Parents

American Heritage Girls: An Alternative to Girl Scouts

Near the end of May, we discussed Boy Scouts and their name change to “Scouting America.” In the article, we excitedly highlighted Trail Life USA as the Christian, conservative alternative to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, within scouting, the influence of the left is not limited to the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, too, has been infected with a liberal agenda.  
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Decoupling Schooling from the State

On July 27 [2023],, I went to a forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity, focused on fixing the deep problems in K-12 schooling. I had been asked to come and present my perspective by the organizer of the event, even though he knew I opposed one of the three proposals his organization was supporting.
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Suffering, Challenge, and the Next Generation

God gives to all parents a two-fold charge: We must be faithful with what the Lord has given to us, and we have a duty to teach and encourage the next generation to do the same. This is a great challenge that can only be accomplished by God’s grace. Even so, we do and should ask the question, “How can we best teach and prepare our children?”
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Act Like a Man

Here comes another Father’s Day. A relatively minor blip on the annual calendar compared to Mother’s Day. No need to explain why that is, right? What does it take to become a “father” or “dad?” Biology tells us that a boy barely entering his teenage years is quite capable of impregnating a female and voilà—the baby arrives nine months later. Welcome to the world of fatherhood—and motherhood.
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Government Incompetence Puts Students at Risk

In an obvious attempt to discredit homeschooling as a legitimate education choice, left-leaning “news” outlet ProPublica (in cooperation with Capitol News Illinois) published an article condemning homeschool freedom in Illinois.
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SkyTree Book Fairs: A Pro-Family Replacement to Scholastic

I remember clearly the highlight Scholastic Book Fairs were during the school year when I was growing up. I personally loved being able to get out of class early to go peruse the books at the fair. I even convinced my mom to buy me a few. Sadly, Scholastic turned down the path of radical ideology a while ago, and these days, they continue pushing anti-family, anti-God messaging.
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Only God Should Play God, Part 3

In our last piece, we continued our series on the troubling moral consequences of various forms of artificial reproduction technology. From the death of hordes of innocent human embryos to the violation of the sacred marriage commitment, the picture doesn't look pretty when man tries to play God. But we're not done yet. Let's look at a couple more implications of this vicious technological trend.
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Accomplices to Exploitation

Stories of children reported to be victims of sexual exploitation are so familiar these days that they have become little more than background noise in the daily news feed. Even our legislators don’t give this exploitation a second thought. At least, that’s the impression I get from a review of HB 5239.
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Progressives in Illinois Threaten Parental Authority Again

No one knows for sure who first said the phrase, “If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.” Whether it was Mark Twain, Abraham Maslow, or someone else, it perfectly describes Illinois Democrats’ latest push to usurp control over our state’s kids.
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What Do Diapers and Abortion Have in Common? More Than You Know.

Would you be surprised to learn that major diaper companies support Planned Parenthood? Yes, you read that correctly. Major diaper companies such as Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, and even Honest donate to Planned Parenthood.
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Keep Hammering! Unite to Restore Parents’ Rights!

Since its inception in January, the Parents Matter Coalition (“PMC”) has been on a mission to raise awareness, educate the community, and teach Illinoisans how to advocate for their families and push back on the legislators and bureaucrats who think they know better how to parent our children.
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Homeschooling, Part 3

We ended the last piece in the middle of our discussion of the biblical benefits of homeschooling. Jesus tells us that every student, when he is trained fully, will be like his master (Luke 6:40), which prompts us to ask: what kind of masters are my children being trained by? We discussed the godless ideas permeating the public school classroom, but education is more than just ideas. It also involves people. So let's also consider more than just the lessons being taught; what about the people teaching them?
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Homeschooling, Part 2

In a recent piece together, we explored one of the major benefits of homeschooling that greatly impacted me as a student: the freedom that my parents had to tailor my education to my needs. I know many other homeschool families have reaped this benefit from homeschooling as well. Homeschooling parents are able to educate their children according to their individual needs and aptitudes, which often results in a more rigorous and productive education than the standard fare in the public school system.
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Embryo Adoption: A Life-Affirming Option

Since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on February 16 that frozen embryos should be recognized and protected as unborn children, Democrats have wrongfully alleged that Republicans want to “ban” in vitro fertilization (IVF). Even President Biden made this accusation during the State of the Union address last Thursday. However, this is not true. Republicans are not wanting to ban IVF.
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Illinois Youth Survey Warrants Caution

Every school has to know at least a little bit about the students it is teaching, and every school has to provide at least something of value to its students. But there's a flipside—in pursuit of these goals, schools should not pry into areas of family life beyond their proper purview. While every family will have slightly different standards about what is appropriate for schools to inquire about or provide for their kids, I think that concerned parents and observers of the education system may soon sound the alarm that schools are becoming too intrusive.
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