Tag Archives: Christianity

Choose You This Day: Part 3

A sad commentary on American culture is its confusion regarding love, to the point that love has been flipped on its head to become its opposite!  Today, if you genuinely love, you will probably be called a hater, and many will declare that you are loving when what you say and do is actually destructive and deadly!
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The Pro-Life Intramural, Part 2

Last time, we discussed the two sides of the intramural pro-life debate: abolitionists and prudentialists. And we observed that each side has a valid perspective based on a very true aspect of the issue. But shall the twain ever meet?
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TruPlay– A Christian Alternative to Children’s Entertainment

Online games and videos are popular in today’s day and age, and many of these games are marketed towards children. YouTube Kids, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and the PlayStation 5 are common platforms that children use to access online games and entertainment.
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Choose You This Day: Part 2

The atheistic Left began their assault on America over seventy years ago. Their progress was quite slow in the beginning, and one must give them credit for their determination. They have not quit to this day! A principal actor in this effort has been the Communist Party USA, but it is only one of numerous Leftist groups seeking to divide and destroy this great nation (They all lean Marxist).
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What to Say?

I saw a Facebook post recently re-shared by a friend I admire. You will need to read it all the way through to get the gist of it. Since it was a public post, here’s some of it:
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How to Pray with Power

Many, if not most (dare I say all of us), who belong to Christ need to pray more. We need to call upon the Lord with confidence that He cares more than we do. He knows more than we do. He has resources far beyond what we have, and He is far more just, wise, loving, and kind than any of us are. Prayer cannot be an afterthought for the believer.
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Why We Must Pray Now

In a world where so many of the challenges in our state, our nation, and our world seem insurmountable, where should we start? In a world where many of our neighbors and even some self-professing Christians believe prayers are useless and the only thing that counts is “good deeds,” how should we as Christians respond?
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What Makes Easter…Easter?

Churches throughout Illinois are preparing for this upcoming Easter Sunday. Also known in Christendom as Resurrection Day. It is most certainly the most important of Christian celebrations on the calendar. I mean, what could possibly be more significant and impressive than a man crucified in front of witnesses come back to life a few days later?
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Homeschooling, Part 3

We ended the last piece in the middle of our discussion of the biblical benefits of homeschooling. Jesus tells us that every student, when he is trained fully, will be like his master (Luke 6:40), which prompts us to ask: what kind of masters are my children being trained by? We discussed the godless ideas permeating the public school classroom, but education is more than just ideas. It also involves people. So let's also consider more than just the lessons being taught; what about the people teaching them?
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Leap of Faith

It’s here. Leap Day. A good thing if you need a day to catch up on things. Not as good if it means you have to work an extra day for your paycheck. Why the need for this extra day? So that our calendars can play catch up! For the Earth to orbit the sun, our planet actually takes 365.242190 days. You multiply that excess travel time and it yields up an extra day every four years. Or so we’re told.
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A Christian Response to “Death with Dignity”

The forces of darkness in Illinois want to take the state’s death agenda to the next level. Some deceived politicians have now introduced an assisted suicide—euphemistically referred to as a “Medical Aid in Dying” or “Death with Dignity”—bill in Springfield. A bill sponsored by Illinois Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora), SB 3499 creates the “End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act.”
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Polyamory and Open Marriage

When a culture increasingly redefines marriage, marriage itself will eventually become meaningless. If marriage can mean anything you want it to, then it actually means nothing. An example of this is a new trend that is emerging in our country: open marriages and polyamory.
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Christians, Stop Living Like You’re Lost Part 2

In my last article I addressed the reality that many born-again Christians have been thinking and acting too much like the non-Christians around them.  I pointed out particularly the willingness of so many to lie, or misrepresent the facts, when it appeared to benefit them.  Sadly, abandoning truthfulness is not the only similarity between many of God’s people and the world.
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Not An Obstacle, But A Heritage

We are expecting our third child, due to join us in about a month. Life is full, a little stressful, often mundane, and infinitely more purposeful and joyful than it would be without our kids. I’m tired a lot of the time, but that’s a small price to pay in exchange for my daughter’s unbelievable sense of humor, the weight of my son on my chest when he snuggles after his nap, and the rolls and kicks I feel in my abdomen as I write.
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A Convenient Dodge

Jesus forgave the sinner. He didn’t accommodate the sin. We read about this in John, Chapter 8 — often referred to as the “Woman caught in the act of adultery.” (John 8:2-11) Any of us who have read or heard this story about the adulterous woman should be asking why the Pharisees were not so hot on the idea of dealing with the sin of the adulterous man. And we should clearly see that Jesus is a God of mercy and forgiveness. Does He then excuse adultery? Hardly.
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