Tag Archives: Abortion
Choose You This Day: Part 2
The atheistic Left began their assault on America over seventy years ago. Their progress was quite slow in the beginning, and one must give them credit for their determination. They have not quit to this day! A principal actor in this effort has been the Communist Party USA, but it is only one of numerous Leftist groups seeking to divide and destroy this great nation (They all lean Marxist).
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, America, Assisted Suicide, Atheism, Christianity, faith, Left, Marxism, pregnancy
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Practical Steps Related to Prayer
Pray faithfully in secret and grow in your prayer life by reading God’s written revealed Word and responding with heartfelt praise, sincere thanks, and bold-and-specific petitions for Christ’s church, candidates, and other civil magistrates. If you are a pastor pray faithfully and regularly in your Lord’s Day worship services for our state, our nation and the nations.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, candidates, Illinois Family Institute, John Calvin, local elections, Prayer, Voting
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Feelings or Facts?
What we think is true can have the same effect on us as what is true. We have known this forever. But today, in our post-truth culture, we are becoming less concerned with discovering what is true and more focused on what we feel is true. Public opinion today is shaped more by emotion and personal beliefs than facts. The impact of this post-truth era is profound.
Posted in Child Exploitation, CRT/Racism/BLM, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, abuse, Agustin Fuentes, American Scientist, Caroline VanSickle, Catherine Clune-Taylor, child exploitation, COVID, John Money, Kate Clancy, Kinsey, LGBTQ, Michel Foucault, Pew Research, Reimer twins, Science
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Climate Change or Just Left-Wing Indoctrination?
Last year I was at lunch with an evangelist. After the meal, he handed our waitress a Gospel tract. I wanted to reinforce his compassion, so I told the young lady that her relationship with God was the most important thing in the world. She responded, “Yeah, that and global warming!” She proceeded to tell us that she wakes up in fear of what may happen to the earth during her lifetime. I was shocked.
Posted in Climate Change, Faith, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Calvin Beisner, Climate change, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, Donald Trump, E. Calvin Beisner, Janet Yang Rohr, Kimberly Du Buclet, one-child policy, Paris Accord, pornography, prostitution, sex-trafficking
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Abortion Priorities
Despite having eliminated all legal restrictions on abortion in Illinois, we have good reasons to believe that Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations are planning to pass an abortion amendment to the Illinois Constitution over the next several months in Springfield. If they do, this amendment would then come before Illinois voters for approval on Election Day this November.
Posted in Feedback Observations
Tagged Abortion, George Borrello, Hank Sheinkopf, Illinois, Kathy Hochul, LifeNews.com, New York, New York Post, Pro-Life
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Children’s Health & Parental Rights on the Chopping Block!
We are calling your attention to an alarming and pathetic bill that is currently pending in the Illinois General Assembly. We are hoping and praying that there is a strong response in opposition to this totalitarian effort to this outrageous effort to dismantle parental rights in Illinois.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, Anne Stava-Murry, HB 4876, Hormone blockers, hormone therapy, Jeannette Cooper, sex change operation, Transgender Ideology
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Life on the Line
Perhaps you’ve never heard of Allie Phillips. She is one to keep your eye on. Her story may help determine the fate of babies in Tennessee and elsewhere.
Posted in Faith, Federal, Illinois Politics, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Allie Phillips, Constitution, Kamala Harris, Life on the Line, Richard Uihlein, Roe v. Wade
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When Compassion is Fatal
Indi Gregory was a British eight-month-old who died last month after her parents were denied the right to take her to Italy for care, as well as the option to bring her home to die. Sadly, she is only the most recent in an unfortunate string of widely publicized cases of patients in the UK for whom parental rights were overridden or removed “in the best interests of the child.” Each of these cases ended in the death of children.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, children, family, Indi Gregory, John Stonestreet, Parents, Terri Schiavo
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Exporting Abortion and An Honest Evaluation
When you’ve already achieved the status as one of the most radically pro-abortion states in the nation, what’s left to do? Export your agenda, of course! That’s what Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is doing with his newly established nonprofit, Think Big America.
Posted in Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Center, Exporting Abortion and An Honest Evaluation, George Soros, Governor JB Pritzker, human rights, Open Society Foundations, Pro-Life, Susan B. Anthony, Think Big America
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2023 Confidential Weekend Retreat: Deeper Still Chicago
If you have had an abortion, you may be experiencing post abortion syndrome which can resemble post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The process of making an abortion choice, experiencing the procedure and then living with the grief, pain, and regret can be traumatic. Many women and men may not relate their distress to the abortion experience. We Want To Help.
Tagged Abortion, abortion regret, Deeper Still Chicago, PTSD
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Northwest Families: March for Life
Northwest Families for Life (NWFL) is an organization that is dedicated to giving women a real choice and babies a real chance. Mark your calendars because on Saturday, October 21st from 1:00-3:00 p.m., NWFL will be hosting a March for Life!
Tagged Abortion, March for Life, Northwest Families for Life, Northwest Families: March for Life, Pro-Life
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