Tag Archives: women

Birth Control for Men?

We then asked why male contraceptives might be in such high demand. To do this, we went on a brief excursion about The Lie: Women are exactly like men, and should be treated exactly like them. We also talked about how The Lie never really works, because men and women will always be fundamentally different. And when we crash into this fact, we often turn on the men to “level the playing field.”
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Good News for Life in Chicago

Earlier today, the Chicago City Council heard a proposal to institute a "quiet zone" around a particular abortion facility in the city to muzzle pro-lifers reaching out to abortion-bound mothers. Thankfully, this controversial proposal was deferred.
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The Importance of Being Married. Some Thoughts About Love on Valentine’s Day

If there is one thing that our cultural leaders are not very earnest about anymore, it is marriage. There is much ado made about dating and the wedding ceremony itself, but how to succeed in marriage itself is given little attention. Statistics indicate that approximately half of marriages end in divorce. This is more than scandalous, it is destructive to the nation and dreadfully harmful to children, to say nothing about how God vies such things!
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Is Dobbs Pro-Choice?

It's been about 18 months since Dobbs was handed down, and I still remember the elation mixed with near-disbelief that I felt when I first heard the news. As with many of the most important memories in life, I even remember where I was when I was told—standing in the dining room of a summer retreat center on a sunny June day.
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Equality at its Worst

Riley Gaines is back in the news. After her patently unfair college competition against "transgender" swimmer Lia Thomas, she has been crossing the country speaking out against men competing in women’s college sports. And unsurprisingly, many progressives are outraged at a woman who dares to speak the truth about womanhood.
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The Feminist’s War on Women

Self-loathing is a peculiar and tragic phenomenon.  The Bible states that “no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,” (Ephesians 5:29 NKJV), so there is something particularly ugly about radical feminists fomenting self-hatred in young women. The Bible is correct.  We do love ourselves, but a conflict arises when we see things in ourselves that we don’t like, even though those things may be phantoms of Leftists’ corrupted imaginations.
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Not So Perfect Mom with Amy Rienow

Many moms feel pressure and guilt from chasing perfection. The list of items on the “I should be a mom who” list is endless! Striving for perfection has a significant effect on the relationships moms are trying to nurture in their homes. Amy Rienow offers encouragement and hope to build healthy relationships with your kids, parenting them well and with joy. She will give practical reminders that will help you embrace each day and make real heart-connections with your children.
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Formerly “Trans” Young Women Speak Out

On February 26, the website Public Discourse published an article that includes the harrowing accounts of five mothers—one of whom is a lifelong Democrat, another a lesbian—whose daughters experienced Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). These mothers are certain that the culture, including the professional mental health community, physicians, schools, peer socialization, and social media, are providing a distorted lens through which girls are viewing and misinterpreting discomfort and confusion that results from factors like trauma and pre-existing medical conditions, leading them to believe suddenly that they are, in reality, boys. One of the mothers writes:...
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Strict Scrutiny and the ERA – A Bad Combination for Women

On the surface, the Equal Rights Amendment seems quite innocent. The main text states, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged or denied by the United States or any state on account of sex.”
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