Taxpayer Funded Porn — Is there a Connection to Child Abductions
Taxpayer Funded Porn — Is there a Connection to Child Abductions
Written By David E. Smith   |   07.30.02
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, there has been an alarming number of news stories nationwide reporting the abductions of young girls. Often, the bodies of these young girls, some no older than 5 years of age, are found, sexually assaulted, beaten and savagely murdered.

It couldn’t be more clear to me, our children are at risk from porn-fed pedophiles and molesters who target the indefensible for their sick sexual pleasures.

These recent events only remind us of the truths about the ever increasing addictive attributes associated with pornography. Porn doesn’t just devastate our children, but it also harms our mothers, sisters and daughters.

The irreparable harm it does to those who are attacked by men stimulated by sexually explicit images cannot be questioned. Nor can we debate the ill effects, both physically and emotionally, suffered by women in the ‘adult entertainment’ industry.

I am absolutely, and increasingly, indignant about the pro-porn position taken by the American Library Association, the National Education Association, and the Chicago Public Library and their defense of a person’s (including children’s) right, to access pornography through publicly funded, unfiltered internet terminals.

How in the world can we trust these people with the mental and intellectual wellbeing of our children, when they are constantly picking and choosing what truths to embrace and what truths to ignore?

Our “enlightened” library and education officials must know that by providing unfettered access to the Internet, they are by default, nurturing and training future pedophiles, molesters and rapists.

Caring parents will filter and monitor their children’s internet usage at home. Parents and taxpayers have a right to demand that our libraries and schools use effective measures to protect our children while they are in their care. Filtering technology is the most efficient and accurate method to accomplish that goal.

It’s just not right for kids to be exposed to smut, especially when it is sponsored by our tax dollars, in our libraries and schools.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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