How Did They Vote in 2021?
How Did They Vote in 2021?
Written By Kathy Valente   |   11.15.21
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know how your state elected officials voted during this first half of the 102nd General Assembly?  If not, that’s not a problem! IFI has done the work for you by compiling the voting records of all 188 state representatives and the senators in those districts.

Over 7,000 bills have been introduced since the start of 2021.  We have chosen 14 of them, most of which have passed and been signed into law by the governor. Note that once passed in both Chambers of the General Assembly, a bill would simply have to sit on the governor’s desk for 60 days to automatically become law. But the fact that Governor Pritzker has signed these bills, demonstrates that he is in full support of the radical progressive agenda being pushed forward in Springfield.

The state representatives are listed in alphabetical order. Click HERE to find your state rep. Then come back to this page and click on his/her name. Please share this information with your neighbors. friends, and family.

Carol Ammons

Jaime Andrade

Dagmara Avelar

Mark Batinick

Thomas Bennett

Chris Bos

Avery Bourne

Dan Brady

Kambium Buckner

Kelly Burke

Tim Butler

Jonathan Carroll

Kelly Cassidy

Dan Caulkins

Andrew Chesney

Lakesia Collins

Deb Conroy

Terra Costa Howard

Fred Crespo

Margaret Croke

John D’Amico

C.D. Davidsmeyer

William Davis

Eva Dina Delgado

Anthony DeLuca

Tom Demmer

Daniel Didech

Jim Durkin

Amy Elik

Marcus Evans

Mary Flowers

La Shawn Ford

Randy Frese

David Friess

Robyn Gabel

Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz

Edgar Gonzalez

Jehan Gordon-Booth

Amy Grant

La Toya Greenwood

Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar

Will Guzzardi

Jackie Haas

Brad Halbrook

Michael Halpin

Norine Hammond

Sonya Harper

Greg Harris

Barbara Hernandez

Elizabeth Hernandez

Maura Hirschauer

Jay Hoffman

Frances Hurley

Paul Jacobs

Thaddeus Jones

Jeff Keicher

Stephanie Kifowit

Lindsey LaPointe

Seth Lewis

Camille Lilly

Mark Luft

Theresa Mah

Natalie Manley

Michael Marron

Joyce Mason

Rita Mayfield

Deanne Mazzochi

Tony McCombie

Martin McLaughlin

Charles Meier

Debbie Meyers-Martin

Chris Miller

Anna Moeller

Bob Morgan

Thomas Morrison

Martin Moylan

Mike Murphy

Michelle Mussman

Suzanne Ness

Cyril Nichols

Adam Niemerg

Aaron Ortiz

Tim Ozinga

Delia Ramirez

Steven Reick

Robert Rita

Lamont Robinson

Sue Scherer

Dave Severin

Justin Slaughter

Nicholas Smith

Keith Sommer

Joe Sosnowski

Ryan Spain

Anne Stava-Murray

Bradley Stephens

Denyse Wang Stoneback

Katie Stuart

Daniel Swanson

Curtis Tarver

Dan Ugaste

Dave Vella

Mark Walker

Lawrence Walsh

Tom Weber

Emanuel Chris Welch

David Welter

Maurice West

Keith Wheeler

Blaine Wilhour

Ann Williams

Jawaharial Williams

Kathleen Willis

Patrick Windhorst

Janet Yang Rohr

Lance Yednock

Sam Yingling

Michael Zalewski

Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that, Kathy and Dave worked together as volunteer activists battling pornography and obscenity in the public square. Kathy has consistently taken a stand for traditional Judeo-Christian values and has worked tirelessly to foster a wholesome environment for family living, advocating for high community standards. Kathy recognizes that sexual immorality, pornography, obscenity, promiscuity, state sanctioned abortion and gambling threaten the moral fabric of our society. The well-being of our communities, the strength...
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