It’s YOUR Voice
Most instructive to observe the Left’s clandestine move to capitalize on the national healthcare emergency, viral pandemic.  How ironic that within bi-partisan legislation seeking to preserve human life across the spectrum Dems seize an opportunity to attach riders repealing the...
Genius of the Founders bursts forth with Jefferson’s timeless brilliance;  “ … life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness….” LIFE – Every human life stands as infinitely priceless, precious.  All lives truly matter despite the best efforts of the left...
Left Out
On January 11th, 9,000 pro-lifers  gathered for the Chicago March For Life at Daley Plaza in the icy wind and rain as they held up signs and cheered. There was no way the wind and rain was going to stop...
Most regrettably Americans in pursuit of real news find themselves assaulted, thwarted by “journalism” void of principle, saturated by biased agendas not objectivity. Character assassination elevated to a cheesy spectator sport dominates the airways with truth and clarity the obvious...
Pitch Battle
Veritable pitch battle for America’s heart and soul begins now with dire consequences for popular indifference, withdrawal and widespread ignorance.  Stay engaged. Clandestine hearings with obligatory leaks, unsubstantiated rumor/innuendo, specious character assassination by gutless political trolls/vacuous charlatans colluding with unprincipled...
Shut Up and Sing
Most unfortunately the 24/7 news cycle begets an avalanche of false narratives, criminally unprofessional reporting and, yes, the proliferation of “fake news”.  Relentless efforts to remove a duly-elected President give birth to a seemingly endless parade of shiny objects rendering...
Legalizing Recreational Marijuana is Not Smart
On Sept. 24, I attended the Springfield City Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting along with Anita Bedell of the Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems and other citizens to voice our concerns on the recent legalization of...
Tough Love
Legalizing gateway drugs simply represents tacit admission that the state has terribly mismanaged its own financial responsibilities, miserably failed a trusting electorate, and surrendered to an omnipotent worship of revenue generation irrespective of the destructive social consequences. Shameless pandering to...
LGBT Political Flag Flying Over the Illinois Capitol
As a longtime resident and citizen of Springfield I am expressing my disappointment of the placement of the first-ever LGBTQI Pride flag over the state Capitol building. The Pride flag does not represent all of the people and should not...
Horrible Bills in Springfield
Once more, the legislature races before its May 31st deadline to pass laws repugnant to freedom loving Patriots.  Democrats insist on increasing the rate of flight from Illinois. 1.) Extreme abortion-promoting laws, ala New York State, overturning the Parental...
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Dr Ben German On Pro Suicide Legislation
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