Stand With Us!
Stand With Us!
Written By David E. Smith   |   12.20.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

IFI needs you!

In the media, in churches, in the halls of government, and in places of business, IFI will continue to speak out boldly in the midst of a state dominated by out-of-touch politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, far-left media pundits, and agenda-driven educators who are deeply hostile to the truths about faith and families.

But we can’t do this alone!

Please help support IFI’s important work & ministry.

We have several events already planned for first few months of 2015. A Pastors’ Legislator Prayer Day at the Capitol will be held on the first full day of the new session — January 15th. Dozens of pastors are going to meet to pray specifically for our new General Assembly and executive offices.

On April 10th-11th we are hosting “The Truth Project” with Dr. Dell Tackett at Medinah Baptist Church.

On the evening of May 7th, we will host an event titled “Islam in America: A Christian Response” with Dr. Erwin Lutzer.  This will be at Medinah Baptist Church as well.

Your end-of-year gifts help to carry IFI well into the next year. This funding coupled with your prayers and words of support affirm to us that the work of IFI is valued and vital to pro-family efforts in Illinois.

The rules of the Year-End Matching Grant are simple. Any donation we receive from now until the end of the year will be doubled up to the $40,000 limit. Mailed donations must be postmarked Dec. 31st. If your tax-deductible donation is $50, we will receive $100; if you give $100 we will receive $200 and so on. If you have the ability to give us a $1,000 or larger donation, that too will be matched. If we receive $40,000 in donations by the deadline we will qualify for the full grant, thus raising $80,000 in the last three weeks of the year.

DONATE online today!  Help us reach our goal of raising a total of $80,000 by the end of the month.


You can also send a gift by mail to:

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 88848
Carol Stream, IL  60188

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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