ABC Shows Pure Contempt for Jesus and Christianity
ABC Shows Pure Contempt for Jesus and Christianity
Written By Tim Wildmon   |   03.16.16
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you didn’t know who Dan Savage is, it’s probably a good thing. But right now we need you to familiarize yourselves with one of the cruelest, most vile political activists in America.

Why? Because ABC and Disney is airing a sitcom Dan Savage developed loosely based on his life.

A perusal of Dan Savage’s work reveals a career built on advocating violence — even murder — and spewing hatred against people of faith.

Savage has spared no one with whom he disagrees from his vitriolic hate speech. We have examples, but be warned, they are extremely graphic and offensive.

Watch this short Family Research Council video montage of Savage, and you’ll see just how despicable his actions are.

Despite his extremism, vulgarity, and unabashed encouragement of dangerous sexual practices, ABC’s newest sitcom with Savage as its executive producer is now airing on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. CT.

“The Real O’Neals” mocks Christianity and insults Catholicism. AFA recognizes this show ridicules people of faith, and Christians across America are offended by it.

It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the sitcom “The Real O’Neals.” It is impossible to list them all, so here are a few scene descriptions from the show:

  • Jesus appears where only the gay son can see and talk to Him, and He is annoyed by the mom’s strict guidelines for her family.
  • The daughter steals money she is supposedly raising for charity.
  • The daughter “attempts to prove” that there is no God in a science fair project.
  • A statue of Mary is kept above the O’Neal’s toilet to remind the boys to put the seat down.
  • The first jab at Jesus comes only 52 seconds into the first episode.
  • The mother encourages her 16-year-old gay son to “try s-x” with a girl. (A dash ‘-‘ is used to bypass internet filters.)
  • Vulgar language (ex. V-gina).
  • The mom makes pancakes shaped like the face of Jesus to guilt trip her anorexic son into eating.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to sen an email to Lauren Thompson to let Simply Orange (Coca-Cola) know how disappointed you are to learn that they are spending corporate dollars to promote its products in association with the program “The Real O’Neals.”

You can also call them at: (800) 871-2653 to complain how they are using its advertising dollars to support anti-Christian bigotry and promoting animosity toward people of faith.

Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon is president of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR). AFA is a pro-family advocacy organization with over two million online supporters and approximately 150,000 subscribers to its monthly flagship publication the AFA Journal. In 1991 AFA started the AFR network which now consist of nearly 200 radio stations. The format is news, information, bible teaching and inspirational music. AFR is the fastest growing radio network of any kind and built more stations in a shorter period of time than any other broadcaster. Other divisions of AFA include the Center for Law & Policy, a...
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