IL Church’s Missing Million
IL Church’s Missing Million
Written By   |   03.13.08
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In like a lion…out like a lamb. That’s March. It could also be said of the recent history of Illinois governors. In like a lion, roaring about what they’re going to do…out like a lamb–handcuffed and led off to jail.

Only time will tell whether or not Blagojevich will follow his predecessor with criminal charges, but his handling of state funds is criminal enough. Like our Illinois weather, our governor has been boisterous and defiant of common sense.

In 2006, the historic Pilgrim Baptist church was destroyed by a fire. In the midst of the tragedy, Governor Blagojevich, moved by the devastation, reached deep into his pocket and pledged $1 million dollars to have the church restored.

No, wait. He reached into taxpayer’s pockets and pulled out a million bucks, that’s right. Don’t worry, he says he didn’t think it was earmarked for anything else.

Blagojevich was very careful to make sure the funds did not end up in the offering basket, which could be considered a violation of church and state. Instead the money was promised only to rebuild administrative offices and classrooms.

But, a funny thing happened on the way to church one day. The money “went to the wrong place” – go figure.

Instead of resurrecting the historic building, the funds went to the church’s tenant, Loop Lab School. The school rented classroom space as a preschool.

Loop Lab School took the money and ran-went shopping for a condo. The church hasn’t heard from them since.

Guess who was off the hook? Afterall, he kept his promise; he gave someone a million dollars to rebuild private property– and even went over the lawmakers heads to do it. What more could you want?

Actually, another million please. The church wanted him to make good on his promise, so, after some pressure, he found yet another mill to promise them. (Although the church says they haven’t seen a dime.)

This is becoming quite a habit with the governor. After the Northern Illinois University shooting, big brother stepped up to the podium again. The plan and the promise: $40 million tax dollars pledged to demolish and then rebuild Cole Hall, the building where the tragedy occurred.

Makes you wonder if there is money laying around loose in a drawer somewhere in Springfield.

According to the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (CTBA), after adjusting for inflation, several state programs will be cut in FY 2009, “including K-12 and higher education, the department of agriculture…”

Considering that our schools are flourishing (especially down state), colleges can run on alcohol alone, and farmers can always go back to plowing with horses when diesel fuel hits the five dollar a gallon mark, this shouldn’t be a problem.

In the same report, the CTBA also says that revenue is going to be up $448 million. The bad news is that thing called inflation, which is going to create a deficit of $752 million.

The popular political speech the governor likes to use always brings in mom and dad sitting at the table trying to balance the tight household budget, falling behind. They always seem to paint that picture as they introduce more government spending and yet another program to help working families.

Let’s turn that one around. What working family do you know that can run their check book $752 million in the hole, owe $3.4 billion more in unpaid medical bills, but has money that’s not “earmarked” for anything, to give away…just to be nice.

Looks to me like Rod Blagojevich has a political version of a desperate housewives’ financial system; also known as shopping therapy.

It goes something like this: the money is gone, the budget shot, and everyone starts talking about belt tightening.

So what does he do? Buy a new belt, with shoes to match. Nothing ever changes or gets fixed, but he sure does look good.

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