Feds Give Child Porn Buyers a Pass
Feds Give Child Porn Buyers a Pass
Reading Time: 3 minutes


A new report documents how the federal government, busy suing Arizona for upholding national law regarding illegal aliens, has ignored all but a handful of documented cases of the purchase of child pornography by workers at the Department of Defense.

The report comes from Yahoo News, which said the information comes from a 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement review of the online purchases of child porn.

The report said the investigation discovered more than 250 workers – both civilian and military – in the Defense Department who charged porn to their credit cards or used their PayPal accounts.

However, only a “handful” even were investigated, the report said, citing Defense Department records.

The report said the “Project Flicker” work provided to ICE investigators the names and card information of 5,000 Americans, including those who gave military e-mail addresses when they bought the porn.

Judith Reisman, author of “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America,” said the case recalls the securities officials and “scores of other institutional leaders, not to mention the president offices when [President Bill Clinton] left.”

“So pornography is not addictive? And what people do in their privacy of their own homes is nobody’s business?” she said. “A significant number of these criminal addicts will have been sexually victimizing children, their own or others.”

“When I completed my study in 1985 of Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, 1989, US Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007, I predicted a massive increase in child sexual abuse and a mimicking of the child pornography in Playboy and its satellites. When I was a kid, in the 1940s living in a Judeo-Christian moral environment, America was laughed at by Europeans as a ‘Child Centered Society.’ Post-Kinsey, we are a ‘Child Abuse Society.’ So, which do we really prefer?”

Reisman, a Ph.D. who is sought worldwide for speaking and lecturing engagements, is a consultant, the scientific adviser for the California Protective Parents Association and former president of The Institute for Media Education.

She has consulted for four U.S. Department of Justice administrations, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Her book debunks the mythology that puts Alfred Kinsey on a pedestal.

Reisman, instead, describes how Kinsey’s “K-bomb” was a time-released explosion “set to silently emit erototoxic radioactivity into our atmosphere – unto the generations.”

She reports in her book that Kinsey and his cohorts “sabotaged our nation by entering our libraries and schools as ‘sex educators’ – ridiculing marriage, fidelity, and chastity.”

“They preached widespread sexual experimentation, succeeded in nationwide fraud campaigns, and gutted the tough laws that kept pornography and predators at bay,” she reports.

Her research includes explanations about:

      -How, why, and by whom Americans’ traditional sexual morality has been violently subverted;
      -“Sexual savior” Alfred Kinsey’s true and horrifying plans for American society;
      -How and why the children of the Greatest Generation traded their parents’ traditional morality for Kinsey’s sexual immorality, believing sexual freedom was their own idea;
      -The deviant fraud campaigns vetted by the Rockefeller Center and, later, Playboy;
    -and the shocking statistics on child sexual abuse and abortion.

The Yahoo report said the Pentagon’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service, in a related investigation, found those who appeared to be purchasing child porn included staffers for the secretary of defense, contractors for the National Security Agency and workers in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

The report says information obtained by the website The Upshot under the Freedom of Information Act shows 264 Defense employees or contractors had bought child porn online. Nine of those held “Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information” clearances. But only 52 were investigated, and only 10 were charged.

Among those identified but not charged was an active-duty lieutenant colonel in the Army as well as an official in the office of the secretary of defense.

Yahoo said its source, familiar with Project Flicker, said the inquires lapsed because of agency priorities and departmental resources.

The report said the source, who was granted anonymity because of fear over the person’s job, said there wasn’t any organized effort to even notify the commanding officers of the suspects’ purchases.

This is the kind of situation, Reisman notes, that results from the work of Kinsey and his fellow “researchers.”

In her “Sexual Sabotage” book, she reports how Kinsey surrounded himself with “homosexual lovers and pornography stars, sex procurers, panderers and predators, each with his own deviance,” and he “required (them) to look like sober, sensible professionals in suits and ties, with short hair.”

The illusion of buttoned-down normalcy allowed Kinsey’s seminal work to present clearly criminal findings with nominal outrage, said Reisman.

As “Sexual Sabotage” reports: “‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male’ reports data ‘on 214 male children’ … Kinsey asserted, ‘Of the 214 cases … all but 14 were subsequently observed in orgasm.’ Observed?! Who ‘subsequently observed’ (defined as ‘occurring or coming later or after’) these infants and boys being – yes – sexually tortured, timed and recorded? Who, of Kinsey’s team, did this under his direction? The youngest boy tested to ‘climax’ is ‘2 mon.’ old.”

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