Two Days to Match Your Gift!
Two Days to Match Your Gift!
Written By David E. Smith   |   12.30.14
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we look forward to the New Year, we hope and pray you will join us in standing for truth and the family in 2015.

In that spirit, I want to update you on our $40,000 end-of-year matching challenge. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters — pro-family citizens of Illinois — we have now raised 51 percent of our goal with just two days left to realize the full potential of the challenge.

Please partner with us and make a tax-deductible gift today.


We hope you agree that the world our children and grandchildren will grow up in is worth the investment.

Fifty years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States declared that the Christian heritage of our nation was a mistake and that prayers and Bible-reading must be banned from our government schools. Forty years ago, the Supreme Court decided that unborn children were the personal property of their mothers and could be “terminated” at will.

More recently, the Supreme Court approved a government takeover of our healthcare system through Obamacare.  Now, social engineers in the judicial branch of government are remaking the institution of marriage and family.

And as absurd as it sounds, even the definition of gender is now coming under attack.

Religious freedom, God’s design for marriage, decency and the sanctity of life have been under withering cultural assault for decades now. Feckless government officials are attempting to coerce pastors and churches into bending to the will of secularists. Judges are redefining marriage into non-existence. And pro-abortion coalitions are exposing children to irresponsible, inappropriate sexuality resources, which then results in more profits for Planned Parenthood. We’re fast approaching a time when there will be no safe cultural quarter for people of faith who seek to live in accordance with biblical truth.

That is why IFI has been front and center across the state championing the banner of faith, family and freedom. We are fighting for marriage and religious liberty, defending the unborn, opposing pro-homosexual tyranny, protecting Christmas from left-wing intolerance, educating Illinoisans on election issues, teaching Illinoisans how to stand up for their freedom, and refuting liberal media distortions and lies.

A new friend posted this comment on my Facebook page yesterday:

Just from the short time of meeting you and knowing about IFI, I know that was just a small snippet of all you do throughout the year and also having a beautiful family, but when do you ever stop and just breathe?

I responded by saying:  “We do take family vacations from time to time…but God has given us a purpose. You might say we are ‘on a mission from God.’ We are to engage the culture. Our adversaries are constantly engaging the culture. They never back down, compromise, or relent. Those who know the Author of truth shouldn’t either.

And that is the point. The adversaries of our Christian values will not take a break next year. History teaches that in all likelihood they will intensify their attacks. Each cultural victory for the enemies of truth increases their boldness and arrogance.

You may not be able to join us in the Capitol hallways, or writing position papers, testifying at committees, sitting in planning meetings or speaking at conferences and in churches, but you can stand with IFI in other, equally vital ways. You can help us through donations without which we wouldn’t be able to accomplish these things.

Would you consider giving your most generous year-end tax-deductible gift to help further our efforts to represent your values in the culture? In the media and churches and in the halls of government and government schools, we will fight for faith and family in the midst of intolerant “progressives” who are deeply hostile to the very existence of traditional faith and beliefs about family. Your partnership in prayer and financial support will enable us to represent your values in the public square on life, sexual morality and religious freedom.

Will you stand with us?

Perhaps you would be willing to join the growing number of Illinoisans who have made a monthly financial commitment to IFI.  A monthly commitment helps us better plan and evaluate what we can afford to do several months into the future. This is especially important as many of our initiatives must be planned months in advance. It’s easy to set up a recurring contribution by credit card or electronic funds-transfer by completing this mail-in form or by calling the office at (708) 781-9328.

I want to thank you in advance for your consideration of our needs and whatever support you can provide. And on behalf of the entire IFI team, I hope you’ll enjoy the last two days of 2014.


David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S. Help us reach our goal of raising $40,000 to meet the challenge and raise a total of $80,000 for our work and ministry in 2015! Donate today!

To make a credit card donation over the phone, call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.


You can also send a gift by mail to:

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 88848
Carol Stream, IL  60188

Donations must be postmarked by December 31st in order to qualify as 2014 gifts.  Now, more than ever, your gift will help us uphold the legacy left by our forefathers.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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