Choose life

Choose life

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live…”

~Deuteronomy 30:19

Defending Families

Defending Families

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

~Phil. 2:4

Equipping The Body of Christ

Equipping The Body of Christ

“You are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

~Matt. 5:14-16

Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

An individual’s civil rights of religious liberty and freedom of conscience should be affirmed and free from government interference.

What Pro-Lifers Don’t Want To Admit
Over a year ago, I wrote a series of articles about why abortion isn't always a "choice" in the way the abortion industry wants you to believe. The system is marketed this way, but this catchphrase often masks hidden pressures in a woman's life which make the choice far from free. 
By Ecce Verum   |   02.25.25
Latest Articles
U.S. Rep. Ogles Introduces the “Ending Chemical Abortions Act of 2025”
U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN) recently reintroduced the "Ending Chemical Abortions Act of 2025," a bill that would federally block the use of chemical abortions in our country. Illinois Congressmen Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) and Mary Miller (R-Mahomet) are co-sponsors.
By Kathy Athearn   |   02.24.25
Public Square: A Pro-Family Marketplace
Voting does not just occur on election day. Here in America, we get to vote on a daily basis with our dollars.
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   02.24.25
Self Evident: A Three-Stranded Cord
In this episode of Self Evident, Kenna and Jenna sit down with the founders of Social Lights, David Robison and Nathan Bilkis, to discuss the loneliness epidemic that Generation Z is facing.
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   02.22.25
When Pro-Life Marketing Endangers Babies
Last time, I explained the Second-Victim Narrative that mainstream pro-lifers tend to employ: "Abortion commits violence against both women and babies." 
By Ecce Verum   |   02.21.25
Hillsdale College: Learning You Can Trust
Education is vitally important. It produces a variety of societal and economic benefits, including cognitive skills, civic engagement, career opportunities, communication skills, social mobility, and many more.
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   02.21.25
Strong Marriages Matter
Now more than ever, Christians must contend for the institutions of marriage and family. Forecasts that 1 in 3 young adults in the U.S. today will never marry signify a closing of the “American heart.” Please join IFI for our annual Worldview Conference on Saturday, March 8th in Downers Grove as we examine this issue through a biblical lens.
By David E. Smith   |   02.20.25
Politics, Why it Matters Ft. Biblical Truth
Politics, Why it Matters by Andrew Gamble is a short book on politics. The preface and first chapter talk about human conflict, flourishing, and peace, and how politics weaves them together. Gamble says that every human interaction involves politics because politics governs and guides our interactions.
By Kenna Rose   |   02.19.25
Assisted Suicide In Illinois: A Christian Response
Assisted suicide is incompatible with biblical teaching. Human life is sacred, and suffering has a divine purpose. While believers must be compassionate toward those who suffer, we must also stand firm against assisted suicide as an affront to God’s sovereignty.
By Gabriel Syme   |   02.18.25
Oppose the Assisted Suicide Bill!
An Illinois Senate Executive subject matter hearing on the assisted suicide bill, SB 9, will be held in Chicago this Friday, February 21st. Please try to attend to pack the room with pro-life citizens, if you're able.
By Kathy Valente   |   02.17.25
A God without Compassion
While at one of my doctor visits earlier this year, I was caught off guard by a staff member quite upset over a recent news story. Perhaps you saw it. I had not.
IFI Featured Video
Dr Stephen Smart on pro suicide legislation. State Lawmakers are Considering The End-of-life Options Act. This Legislation Puts Your Life at Risk. Please Watch This Video and Call Your State Lawmakers. Tell Them to Vote no on the “End-of-life Options Act” For Lawmaker Names And Phone-numbers go to Officials Finder
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