We praise the Lord that He is sovereign and rules over all. It would be very easy to be discouraged, if we just looked on external circumstances. We must preserve as His people through His power.
On Thursday, November 10, the school board for D211 will be taking a vote whether to adopt the radical “Comprehensive Sex Education” standards connected with legislation signed into law in 2021, SB 818. Illinois has 860 school districts. As of August 2022, only 23 districts agreed to adopt the new standards while 540 school districts made the choice to opt out.
To read the standards, please click this link.
To refresh your memory on some of the debate and controversy, please read these articles:
Cultural Collision” “Comprehensive” Sex Ed Passed in Illinois Senate
Illinois Lawmakers’ Insatiable Appetite for Sexualizing Other People’s Children
Dumb Things Dems Said in Sex Ed Floor Debate
Please take action in three ways:
1] Please pray about the Thursday, November 10 meeting. If you live in the district you should also come. Encourage your pastor to attend.
For information about the November 10 School Board meeting, please click this link: adc.d211.org
To learn more about this situation: https://newhopeforyou.org/d211/
2] You can email the school board members and in a polite email encourage them not to adopt these new standards. I have heard that most people communicating with the board have expressed their opposition to these new standards.
Here are their email addresses: aklimkowicz@d211.org, srosenblum@d211.org, kcavill@d211.org, cbradley@d211.org, mcramer@d211.org, pdombrowski@d211.org, tmcgowan@d211.org
3] Please share this information with others you know and encourage them to pray and take action.
I am very blessed that my children are not subjected to this perversion as well as all our CLA students, but I also am concerned about the nearly 12,000 students in the district. For the sake of God’s truth and the well being of others, we must take action and be involved.
In Christ,
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom
Christian Liberty Academy